600 dollar Air Felcia deck at the Shwa regionals.... I just hope to god block 4 doesn't get like that.... Lord help this game if it does
August 2009 STOG
B-Rad said:
600 dollar Air Felcia deck at the Shwa regionals.... I just hope to god block 4 doesn't get like that.... Lord help this game if it does
Dude, Controller of Souls is STILL worth like, 20 dollars. Menuet and Breaker ain't gettin no cheaper.
DrUnK3n_PaNdA said:
First off, I should point out that this WHOLE ARGUMENT started because someone couldn't be content to let someone else state their opinion. It was the blind "OHMYGODBLOCK4ISSOGOOD" attitude that seems to be going around. According to some people it seems that everyone who doesn't like Block 4 must be heckled for their opinions. I don't understand why a statement of opinion has to become an argument. I'm entitled to my opinion that the game is not as fun to play without any characters I like. Just like you're entitled to your opinions that the pictures and names of the cards don't matter so long as your deck is fun. I'm not about to insult you for your opinions on that matter, though it's intensely frustrating to play without your lack of limitations, regardless if mine are self-imposed or not.
Secondly... to clear up all this bull trash-talking about me from people, if you could read you would know I never said Sakura wasn't tournament viable. Ever. Not once. Though I will tell you that she's immensely overrated as the cards that target other recursion and can't effect her either don't see much play, or weren't legal in B3 (I sided Tough Outer Shell in Regionals... but was the only one. Just about everyone OTOH had Tag Along). Is she a solid character? Absolutely. Can you play her in a tournament? Certainly. Has she ever won any tournaments at the higher levels of competition? No. I did fine with her in my regionals... but the reason for doing fine wasn't her, it was the cards I could fish... which all got banned. I always wanted to make an aggro deck with her, and any aggro deck I ever made was better with another character be it Promo Ukyo, Starter Mai, Chaos Ryu... whoever... They made her a control character and I don't like playing control... But hey, you can twist my words in an attempt to make me look like an idiot. That's cool too. If you run out of intelligent arguments that can't be counterpointed, start recycling them and insult the other person. That makes for very civil and productive conversation. The 4Chan school of forum-going still seems to be going strong.
Next, Hatman... Yes, it's very exciting to be able to play my original character. The problem is that I'm not going to have my group of friends to play her WITH. Infact barring what I think is an hour long drive up to a game store that's technically not even in the city limits anymore, I won't be able to play her at all. (Provided you guys who posted are from the G&G group from Redmond). So perhaps you can see that coming from my position it's just that much higher to fall from.
Lastly there were some pretty expensive decks at Northwest Regionals. Mine in terms of what I actually spent on it was fairly cheap. I'd won the Chester's, traded for the Mentoring, and bought the BRTs and LotM's second-hand for around half the usual price ($15 and $10 respectively). The Tira deck that won it was certainly hovering around the $200 mark and the most expensive deck there I'm fairly certain was the Seong Mi-Na that placed third... but mine and the Seong Mi-na were pretty close.
DrUnK3n_PaNdA said:
First off, I should point out that this WHOLE ARGUMENT started because someone couldn't be content to let someone else state their opinion. It was the blind "OHMYGODBLOCK4ISSOGOOD" attitude that seems to be going around. According to some people it seems that everyone who doesn't like Block 4 must be heckled for their opinions. I don't understand why a statement of opinion has to become an argument. I'm entitled to my opinion that the game is not as fun to play without any characters I like. Just like you're entitled to your opinions that the pictures and names of the cards don't matter so long as your deck is fun. I'm not about to insult you for your opinions on that matter, though it's intensely frustrating to play without your lack of limitations, regardless if mine are self-imposed or not.
Secondly... to clear up all this bull trash-talking about me from people, if you could read you would know I never said Sakura wasn't tournament viable. Ever. Not once. Though I will tell you that she's immensely overrated as the cards that target other recursion and can't effect her either don't see much play, or weren't legal in B3 (I sided Tough Outer Shell in Regionals... but was the only one. Just about everyone OTOH had Tag Along). Is she a solid character? Absolutely. Can you play her in a tournament? Certainly. Has she ever won any tournaments at the higher levels of competition? No. I did fine with her in my regionals... but the reason for doing fine wasn't her, it was the cards I could fish... which all got banned. I always wanted to make an aggro deck with her, and any aggro deck I ever made was better with another character be it Promo Ukyo, Starter Mai, Chaos Ryu... whoever... They made her a control character and I don't like playing control... But hey, you can twist my words in an attempt to make me look like an idiot. That's cool too. If you run out of intelligent arguments that can't be counterpointed, start recycling them and insult the other person. That makes for very civil and productive conversation. The 4Chan school of forum-going still seems to be going strong.
Next, Hatman... Yes, it's very exciting to be able to play my original character. The problem is that I'm not going to have my group of friends to play her WITH. Infact barring what I think is an hour long drive up to a game store that's technically not even in the city limits anymore, I won't be able to play her at all. (Provided you guys who posted are from the G&G group from Redmond). So perhaps you can see that coming from my position it's just that much higher to fall from.
Lastly there were some pretty expensive decks at Northwest Regionals. Mine in terms of what I actually spent on it was fairly cheap. I'd won the Chester's, traded for the Mentoring, and bought the BRTs and LotM's second-hand for around half the usual price ($15 and $10 respectively). The Tira deck that won it was certainly hovering around the $200 mark and the most expensive deck there I'm fairly certain was the Seong Mi-Na that placed third... but mine and the Seong Mi-na were pretty close.
DrUnK3n_PaNdA said:
Next, Hatman... Yes, it's very exciting to be able to play my original character. The problem is that I'm not going to have my group of friends to play her WITH. Infact barring what I think is an hour long drive up to a game store that's technically not even in the city limits anymore, I won't be able to play her at all. (Provided you guys who posted are from the G&G group from Redmond). So perhaps you can see that coming from my position it's just that much higher to fall from.
Does your playgroup know they can play with the same cards and get prize support? Have you informed them on this? Are they willing to quit inspite knowing that the only two major tournaments that force miniblock are store and city championships? If so then there is nothing I can tell you. Sorry for your loss and hope you find a better game. If you can't explain the fact to them the only thing that changes is that other communites of players have more control over their store meta then their is nothing I can tell you or them. At this point if you don't want to convinence your players by telling the truth that they will get support and they can play what they want to play at the store and any other venue that sees how they see things then its over. No matter how much you complain here your interaction in the game is dead.
MarcoPulleaux said:
B-Rad said:
600 dollar Air Felcia deck at the Shwa regionals.... I just hope to god block 4 doesn't get like that.... Lord help this game if it does
Dude, Controller of Souls is STILL worth like, 20 dollars. Menuet and Breaker ain't gettin no cheaper.
True indeed, but so far Minuette and Breaker aren't necessary for their symbols to win.
In block 3 EVERY expensive card in my deck (Spikes, Spintas, Heel Snipes, Chester's, Makai's) was absolutly needed in order for air to be competative. My hope is that block 4 doesn't turn into block 3 where we rely on all the 25 dollar+ cards as a means to be competative and that UFS returns to it's (relativly) cheap roots where the most expensive thing in my Life Zangief deck (which was like 20-10 overall in block 1) was the 5 dollar Backflips, Size Matters, and Widow Makers
DrUnK3n_PaNdA said:
First off, I should point out that this WHOLE ARGUMENT started because someone couldn't be content to let someone else state their opinion. It was the blind "OHMYGODBLOCK4ISSOGOOD" attitude that seems to be going around. According to some people it seems that everyone who doesn't like Block 4 must be heckled for their opinions.
Dude... every post you've placed on here has been to ***** with an egreious sense of entitlement. That gets you auto heckled. Join in some constructive conversations. Do something other then whine and *****, and you'll tend to get less heckled. I mean if you can't sell the game with "Look, I got all the cards for free just for submitting a story" there's gotta be something wrong.
Having to defend yourself with the "IT'S MY OPINION A BLOO BLOO BLOO" argument only points out just how poorly prepared you are for arguing ON THE INTERNETS.
It means you've got nothing else but a vapid initial argument.
Thing is everyone has to attend to their community. If we fail to do what needs to be done to keep them together then they will fall apart. Letting people go is a healthy part of community development because people that don't want to be there create a toxic situation for everyone else. So while Panda and others have expressed their outcries I can only say is if you want to leave is DEUCES.
B-Rad said:
600 dollar Air Felcia deck at the Shwa regionals.... I just hope to god block 4 doesn't get like that.... Lord help this game if it does
Against... well almost the same amount Remy.
Excellent news! The game is in an amazing state right now. Is there any way we can trade our current league promos for 5 point cards? i have about 150 cards to give out, and our players are very excited about block 4.
jasco games said:
Excellent news! The game is in an amazing state right now. Is there any way we can trade our current league promos for 5 point cards? i have about 150 cards to give out, and our players are very excited about block 4.
Dude... you were there at Gencon. Why didn't you ask Steve?
Antigoth, when you were at worlds, did you happen to play hata's kisheri deck? if you did do you by chance remember what her abilities are?
i played her,
Life (all i know)
R (5+): Afer your opponent reveals a card in their hand they discard 1 card.
E Commit 1 Foundation: your opponent reveals 1 random card from their hand. only playable on your attack (I think that was her second ability, i know it forced the opponent to reveal a random card and I know it was only playable on your attack)
Link said:
i played her,
Life (all i know)
R (5+): Afer your opponent reveals a card in their hand they discard 1 card.
E Commit 1 Foundation: your opponent reveals 1 random card from their hand. only playable on your attack (I think that was her second ability, i know it forced the opponent to reveal a random card and I know it was only playable on your attack)
Her symbols are Death-Life-Void
MarcoPulleaux said:
Link said:
i played her,
Life (all i know)
R (5+): Afer your opponent reveals a card in their hand they discard 1 card.
E Commit 1 Foundation: your opponent reveals 1 random card from their hand. only playable on your attack (I think that was her second ability, i know it forced the opponent to reveal a random card and I know it was only playable on your attack)
Her symbols are Death-Life-Void
That's...actually pretty **** sick.
She's one of the key reasons to run anti-discard I'd say. I much like Algol's attack, as it's a 4/2 +0-MID 4MID 6DMG already. Even if it's not used for anti discard, it's got the best block in the game and amazing stats for a mere 4 diff.
MarcoPulleaux said:
She's one of the key reasons to run anti-discard I'd say. I much like Algol's attack, as it's a 4/2 +0-MID 4MID 6DMG already. Even if it's not used for anti discard, it's got the best block in the game and amazing stats for a mere 4 diff.
It is a really good card, I used it in some Alex builds. Fight or Flight on 6 damage is nothing to sneeze at, plus it had ranged so Bitter Rivals was horrible against it.
I'm thinking, if not using that attack, you will want to use things that stop the reveal of hands (maybe even Rashoteps foundation will see more use).
- dut
Ancient Burial Site seemingly shuts her down.
Bpet said:
Ancient Burial Site seemingly shuts her down.
hmm..... it seems like they are at least trying to correct the problems of the games.
I think I will change my stance on this game and at least monitor it to see the changes are positive. I have to get reexcited for this game again, but at this point I am not as excited as I was for this game. This may or may not change.
now to get a playgroup started in the area. I live in the backyard of FFG and we have no playgroup. sad really it is.
kiit said:
Antigoth, when you were at worlds, did you happen to play hata's kisheri deck? if you did do you by chance remember what her abilities are?
It involved an E that forces you to reveal your hand, and an R that when you reveal your hand you discard a card. 7/19
I thumped her with JJ. It was all good. It meant Hata was rusty and needed to play more UFS,
Archimedes said:
Having to defend yourself with the "IT'S MY OPINION A BLOO BLOO BLOO" argument only points out just how poorly prepared you are for arguing ON THE INTERNETS.
It means you've got nothing else but a vapid initial argument.
More like that my main point of post was, "I'm mad about losing characters." I don't think that statement was really one that could be debated. I said like 4 times I don't think they absolutely needed to rotate, but I could deal with the aspect of losing non-character cards. Then people came out of the woodwork going "RAR! ROTATION IS GOOD" and I continued to restate, 'I don't think they needed to, but that's not really why I'm most angry.' to which I got more responses of "RAR! ROTATION IS GOOD, AND YOU SUCK." Sorry my opinion that they shouldn't cut licenses out of the game because it alienates fans of said licenses. ****. I think I got one non-inflammatory reply which I addressed in kind. Thank you for trying to make the conversation constructive Kawaii
So here's constructive criticism of B4. They need to push foundation protection through rotation so that Kazuya and Nightmare aren't too dominant. Right now and in Tekken there's a sore lack of answers for them. I also feel that the coming sets need stronger aggro, as the 'big' cards in Tekken are almost all control oriented (save for some new staples for All and Fire) and I don't know that Shadowar/SoulCal had enough offensive E's to make aggro as strong as control.
My other big problem with the new block from beyond a perspective of "I want to play Capcom characters, not Namco ones"... is that B4 character support cards really behave like just that... Many of the new cards have character abilities or abilities that are only useful if you're playing the intended character. And while it's cool to have maybe 1 or 2 cards like that for every character, I think the number now floating around in the game is a little frustrating, especially with such a limited card pool, as during deck building it effectively negates potentially interesting choices.
DrUnK3n_PaNdA said:
My other big problem with the new block from beyond a perspective of "I want to play Capcom characters, not Namco ones"... is that B4 character support cards really behave like just that... Many of the new cards have character abilities or abilities that are only useful if you're playing the intended character. And while it's cool to have maybe 1 or 2 cards like that for every character, I think the number now floating around in the game is a little frustrating, especially with such a limited card pool, as during deck building it effectively negates potentially interesting choices.
I agree with both the points, here, I know several people in my play group who have played one or two character's since the games release, mainly from Street Fighter, and they have played these characters due to having played them in the Game. The fact that FFG has now removed a license from play prevents these players from playing favoured characters that got them interested in the game, and in several cases has helped them maintain interest.
I was also thinking similarly with the character specific cards. In fact I recently brought this point up when talking about block 4. I think this issue will be resolved in a couple of sets but for the next few months there will be lots of themed decks, which although is not necessarily a bad thing, might make the game a bit stale and less adaptable than it previously was.
DrUnK3n_PaNdA said:
I also feel that the coming sets need stronger aggro, as the 'big' cards in Tekken are almost all control oriented (save for some new staples for All and Fire) and I don't know that Shadowar/SoulCal had enough offensive E's to make aggro as strong as control.
Oh yes, Aggro rocks right now. My Fire James Hata is STUPID good and can skill T3 or 4 at the latest.
Other Aggro characters (Siggy, Astroth, ect) make aggro the shiz.
Well.....after hearing about this, and reading this thread, I must say that, even though I haven't played the game in about a year and a half/2 years now, that this is good for the game. Granted, I can see why people would be angry about it, but I also see why it had to be done. WAY too many overpowered crap was in the game as it was....and from what I know there were too many similar decks still in the game. Hopefully now we'll get less crappy 2CC attacks and more viable 3CC attacks like it SHOULD have been at the start of the game. Granted, back when me and my playgroup used to play, we only played Legacy so this wouldn't have affected us that much, but I can see why it affects those who go to bigger tournaments. And here I was thinking of getting rid of my collection. Oh wells...
Hopefully we get some balanced things this time around to keep the game fresh and make everything more viable to use than only a handful of cards. Kinda makes me wish I could've made stuff for the game way back when T-T. Oh wells...
I don't want to get into an argument with you, but that is not how you were going about in discussing the rotation. You were not this calm and at least once you directly insulted someone for supporting the rotation. Your argument about losing characters was there, but it was not presented this way. Hopefully, we can just all put it behind, and move on to constructive discussion.
I have not seen much of tekken besides what has been spoiled, so I may not know as much as you, but I disagree to a degree. Aggro is strong right now. It's not hard to throw 8+ dmg turn one, and control doesn't have e: negation, and blocking is something that must be careful. The only control out right now are rashotep + support. There is other control scattered amongst others, but I wouldn't really consider them control. The only way nightmare can destroy the field is if he successfully attacks, so I wouldn't really call it control, at least not the same way B3 control was.
Now Kazuya, has a big control ability built into him. However, he has to first get one of 3 cards in his deck into play, and he has to wait a turn after stacking himself before he can blow up the world thus giving the player a turn to act accordingly. Although, I'm sure at least some of his support will be to get his character faster, but he's still limited into how often he can play it, and at the most would give him a +1 turn lead. It's good, and I think he'll be a high tier, I just wouldn't worry about him yet.