Well, at the Nationals, you can!
Given the recent change for UFS, and the fact that I really need to clear out some space, I'm planning on ditching all my older cards. However, I know alot of you are like me and like collecting as much as playing, so what I'm offering is this - if you post on this thread before the UK Nationals with copies of cards you've just never owned, I'll see what I can do to fill those gaps.
I'm only offering a single copy of any given card to any given player, and only for those of you attending the UK Nats. This is so that people can finish collections, not build stupidly powerful Legacy decks
Also, bear in mind I only have a limited amount of cards, so it's first come first served.
I also, if anyone is interested, have a LARGE amount of WOW CCG (the first 3 sets) that I'm looking to shift - ideally for money. If anyone is interested, let me know.