A lack of a showcase/Gallery?

By Terminus_Est2, in Anima: Tactics

I have not delved too deeply in the new Anima forums as I only used to troll the ones of yester year when I first picked up my models I came across a shortage of painted figs. So I am asking if you guys and gals who play could showcase these lovely models not only as I have yet to see them all but am eager to see what talent lies dormant in this community. I mainly paint Citidel models, and Dark Reaper I will try to get back around to my Anima models and put some pictures up myself.

So I look forward to many a post of you daring hobbyists and see what creativity lies beneath your fingertips. Be it hte models themselves, boards you ahve made, terrain, etc. I would like to see the World of Anima incarnate, albeit 28 mm scale ;)

Well I keep updating this thread with all my miniature.. . www.edgeent.com/animaforum/index.php


- Raith
Free Agent 005

Ah very good, very good. Thank you all. I haven't been to the new site yet so it is nice to see they have a community driven showcase and workshop sections, very good. I shall go investigate.