Yi Shan - The Iron Dragon

By LordAggro, in UFS Deck Building

Hmm, there's an idea. I think I can afford to trim 2 of Zhao Family Disciplne and 2 Tieh Lei, Iron Thunder to stuff in 4 Genius Alchemist . I'm kind of hesitant to do so, because he's been doing very well lately, but what the heck; it can't hurt to try. I'll let you know how that goes. As far as the Keeper of the Watchers goes, I've adjusted proportions throughout to reflect the latest version of the deck.

Just want to comment that I really like your build of Yi-shan. In my build of him I've been using reborn slasher, It combos well with yishans kick and comes for 7 damage at low diff. I like it since I do not own any striking thunders :)

I really like Lunging Brush Fire in Yi Shan so far.

Sol Badguy said:

I really like Lunging Brush Fire in Yi Shan so far.

This. All the way.

As soon as I can get my hands on 'em (my Tekken 6 shipment was delayed, we haven't even had a prerelease yet...), and I'd like opinions on what to toss: Hilt Impact looks like the one, but that slows me down somewhat. Close Throw IMHO is pretty good.

I've tried using Lunging Brush Fire so far; it has proven to be more of a burden than a boon. I don't know if it's bad luck (I was drawing into some really poor hands), or the attack being less effective than I thought it would be (I can't use Pendant of the Western Paradise with it, 6 diff is a mean speed-bump, et al.), but it's actually been less useful than Hilt Impact would have been in the same circumstance ( Stun: 2 is awesome, after all). Should I keep trying it?

Also, @Mordai: Thanks for the support (and sorry about the late reply ^^ ;) . It's nice to see that there are some of us who haven't given up on Yi Shan** (hey, look at the bright side; being an underdog means you can get your rares cheap).

LordAggro said:

Not to mention getting Path of the Master is almost impossible for a person who was unable to go to the tournaments (I live in Puerto Rico , so no major tourneys for me), but I'd gladly unload my Pendant of the Western Paradise if I could get my mitts on some.

Yep. At the UPR in Mayagüez as we speak. You?

guitalex2008 said:

LordAggro said:

Not to mention getting Path of the Master is almost impossible for a person who was unable to go to the tournaments (I live in Puerto Rico , so no major tourneys for me), but I'd gladly unload my Pendant of the Western Paradise if I could get my mitts on some.

Holy crap. Another boricua on the forums?


You'd better believe it, baby. Got a tweak going on, I'll start testing it next week.

Well, update time! After getting out-sped by a Kazuya Mishima* deck, I've decided some streamlining is in order, just so I can fight him off faster. To that end, the attacks have been trimmed somewhat to give me a bigger jump out of the gate, and I've decided to pack Dragon Punch for more "right now" damage, instead of revving up for one huge killshot with Rage of the Dragon . Thoughts?

LordAggro said:

Yep. At the UPR in Mayagüez as we speak. You?


Sure, man. Drop me an e-mail if you want to get in contact. Mayagüez isn't a close trip from where I live (Salinas), but I have a couple buddies that I think will make the trip with me so we can all chill together. :)

On the topic of the deck, I've made some pretty radical changes as far as the foundation base is concerned. So far, it's worked, so this is my current version. Any comments?

Looks good. I happen to be a big fan of Genius Alchemist and it feels weird not seeing it there, though. Consider it a new school Float like a Butterfly. Even after you're done attacking you can play other things.

guitalex2008 said:

Looks good. I happen to be a big fan of Genius Alchemist and it feels weird not seeing it there, though. Consider it a new school Float like a Butterfly. Even after you're done attacking you can play other things.

Man, I've spent the last month trying to stuff Genius Alchemist in there, to no avail. I just can't justify removing anything I have for it (mostly because I NEED every single block I have). If you have any ideas as to how I can stuff it in this deck, let me know. I've tried Marco 's idea, and it didn't work out. So yeah, I need help on that one.

Just wanted to note, I've made some minor adjustments to the deck (needed a bit more damage gran_risa.gif ).

Why are you STILL running ZFD? Is it that good?

Also, no love for Dragon Pawnch?

MarcoPulleaux said:

Why are you STILL running ZFD? Is it that good?

Also, no love for Dragon Pawnch?

ZFD is pretty good; the high block it brings is just as good. If I can get another high-blocking foundation with a damage bonus effect in SCIV 02 that has 2 diff instead of 3, it'll probably be gone. But so far, it's saved my skin a couple of times, and I've missed it when I've taken it out (not having its damage bonus literally cost me a game today).

Gods know I've tried to run Dragon Punch , but that 2 check keeps screwing me over in crucial situations (aka turn 1 when a 3 would have passed). Additionally, since I have less foundation-oriented face-up momentum jank, I need Rage of the Dragon to crank out that 20+ damage hit.

Hm I can see why the 2 check could be a problem.. Still I think the advantages of it are more than the cons :)

Maybe it was just me being lucky but I rarely check it when I don't have cards out to commit.

Th 2 check will screw him over turn 1. Having 3 diff things like Eisserne Drossel, Pendant and Zhao Family Discipline means that he does NOT want to check a 2 turn 1 going first.

As to how to fit Genius Alchemist.......... I don't know. Seeing how many blocks you have, which is a pretty good bit, I'd reconsider Repentant Hero, seeing as how most of the damage pump in the meta trounces it anyway (and Dark Past is a better use for your faceup momentum), and you may not want to lose face-up momentum to fuel your Rage of the Dragon. I'd say start there and see how it fits.

-2 Repentant Hero
+2 Genius Alchemist

If it doesn't run as well, you can easily put it back to the way it was before.

All right, I'll give it a shot. I think it should work out OK.

As an aside, you're right, man; it's hard to justify running Yi Shan** 's DR in NewFS , unless you make a throw-spammy Earth deck.

Also, your King* deck idea is made of win, man; I tried it out (even though I own 0 PotM 's, though me and the boys are on the trade forums trying to get our paws on some), and it works pretty well. Sadly, I don't have all the pieces to make it work at 100% efficiency, and we do have a few decks here that have most, if not all, of their pieces (mi Yi Shan** , an Astrid , and a Heihachi Mishima* ), so I'll have to wait a bit 'till I can bring real feedback for ya.

Update time! Keeper of the Watchers has proven just how useless it can be against a Kazuya or Heihachi deck (+0 speed for the FAIL), so I have decided to test out having playsets of the following foundations in the deck:

Genius Alchemist

Iron Body Technique

Keeper of the Watchers

These will be vying for only 2 spots (1 in the main deck, 1 in the sideboard), so I'll probably be posting some edits soon...

If you want more speed, this may be a stretch to run alongside Eisserne Drossel, but consider Robes of the Grandmaster. It will guarantee you another +2 speed, but it obviously has pretty big setbacks:

1) Another 3 diff asset... wheee...

2) 4 cc, which compared to Eisserne Drossel looks pretty bleak.

3) No block, which just sucks balls on a Unique asset.

4) You can't use the other ability.

LOL why did I even mention it? Well, you're welcome to try adding two copies and see how it goes.

You mentioned it because +2 speed could be the difference between whether or not it deals damage, esp in conjunction with Drossel and Tiger Claw...

and yes,




guitalex2008 said:

If you want more speed, this may be a stretch to run alongside Eisserne Drossel, but consider Robes of the Grandmaster. It will guarantee you another +2 speed, but it obviously has pretty big setbacks:

1) Another 3 diff asset... wheee...

2) 4 cc, which compared to Eisserne Drossel looks pretty bleak.

3) No block, which just sucks balls on a Unique asset.

4) You can't use the other ability.

LOL why did I even mention it? Well, you're welcome to try adding two copies and see how it goes.

I used to run it, but running the assets has screwed me over pretty badly. However, I've run Genius Alchemist and been underwhelmed by the results (since I have 42 5 CC's in the deck, I've been able to hard-check just about everything). Additionally, I've been missing Iron Body Technique ; considering how hard the decks in my local meta have been hitting, I've gotta pack all the DR I can find, man. I'll be back with some results.