2d6 feet in a random dirrection

By jnov36, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Stop crying and wait and see. As long as I can lop someones head 2d6 feet in a random direction I'm in. Truthfully I'm surprised at all the bitching, most of the people on this site act like they dislike fighting and sit around all night talking with npc's (ROLEPLAYING) As long as there is still a lot of blood my group will be happy.

Once I rolled this critical with a fist-attack. Best session ever gran_risa.gif

Once got through a scenario with resorting to combat once. Best session ever gran_risa.gif

jnov36 said:

Stop crying and wait and see. As long as I can lop someones head 2d6 feet in a random direction I'm in.

It wouldn't surprise me if some regular numerical dice end up in there.