Looking for Darkstalkers (DS1) cards

By plmrelm, in UFS Trading


#12 Hannya and Kien

#20 Midnight Bliss

#21 Zeltzereich Castle

#24 Demon Blast

#30 Dhylec

#39 Ball of Yarn

#48 Phases of the Moon

#50 Dragon Cannon

#60 Shining Blade

#65 Final Performance

#92 Deadly Swarm


#10 Bishamon

#28 Donovan x2

#37 Felicia

#38 Please Help Me x2

#40 Hellcat x2

#41 Rolling Blocker

#46 J. Talbain

#73 Morrigan x2

#82 Pyron

#91 Q-Bee x2

#94 +B

#100 Rikuo x2

#114 ES Super Whirlwind Kick

#118 Victor

#120 Gerdenheim's Research Notes

I've only listed the foils I have availiable. I also have rares, uncommons and commons from DS01 to trade for those that can complete this trade, I will gladly look for other cards if needed.

All of these cards are in mint - unplayed condition. I would like for your cards to be the same.