Check out the video from GenCon!

By MagnusSeter, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Cool. Jay looks like he should be in Generation Kill or something.

Too little info about Warhammer FRP. I hope they taped the whole presentation and will post it after the Con.

monkeylite said:

Cool. Jay looks like he should be in Generation Kill or something.

I thought nearly the same thing after watching the video. He has a much grittier appearance and voice than I imagined, which makes me like the man even more. cool.gif

I can imagine that you do not want to mess with Jay.

After watching that video, I'm going to withhold my opinion until I see the product personally.

I think it's his last name. Little. LIKE LITTLE JOHN!

Man, don't mess with that guy. He's got the SIGMATA!


Come to think of it. They haven't released any more information in this video then they had from the start. And in that video, you don't see anyone listening to him. Maybey that is because there simply anything to tell, and there isn't a new edition?

Yeah, it's a long shot, but it somewhat calms me.

YAY! New video! Any more information about WFRP? No.

I look forward to see a real WFRP 3rd Ed session taped to give us more infeo. They have not toold us anything new yet...

Yeah, nothing new, really.

I think it's going to be a major hassle to exceed the 4 player limit with the core game. You probably won't have enough cards to go around. I'm not crazy about the Adventurer's Toolkit containing just one player kit plus some new careers, since it looks like you're pretty much stuck buying it whether you need the extra player's kit or if you're just interested in the new careers.

Yep, question is; can you make a band of let's say 4 Witch Hunters or are the cards to specific for this?

I don't hope that FFG has added in restrictions like this unawares...

DagobahDave said:

Yeah, nothing new, really.

I think it's going to be a major hassle to exceed the 4 player limit with the core game.

I'm not concerned about that, yet.

The only thing I see as being able to limit the amount of players are the dice. And I plan on having my players share dice among them, much like we do today.

Apart from that, I don't see anything that I can't make my own version of (such as character sheet, rules cards, etc.). If it is printed, I can make my own version of it, which means that I can have any amount of players in my game.

And I'm sceptical that I really need all the stuff for every player. I suspect the "3 players" thing is "3 players unless you actually share the gaming props among yourselves during play".

Also, one of the first things I'm planning on doing is trying to create a downloadable traditional character sheet. I can't at this time see what would stop that from being possible.

Then I'll see if I can create some handy conversion table for using normal dice with the game. Should be easy enough.

I think the type of fan stuff you are creating will be perfect for WFRPv3, in fact. I'm having big hopes that you'll continue creating awesome stuff!


That's the spirit, we all create our house rules and share when needed. That's what created this community in first place. Hope it is as easy as you describe. And I hope FFG not will be overcharging for extra dice and stuff...

Armrek said:

That's the spirit, we all create our house rules and share when needed. That's what created this community in first place. Hope it is as easy as you describe. And I hope FFG not will be overcharging for extra dice and stuff...