News from team worlds?

By ultimateigor, in UFS Uk Forum

Apparently , Matt (and presumably Ross) made top 4 of Team Worlds. I'll leave it up to them to confirm or deny (if they're in a position to) but I just thought I'd draw it to people's attention.

Matt and Kyle made the top 4 cut in Team Worlds, with me and Ross following very closely, we had a real b***h of a final round where we had to play off against one another, which was irritating, but unavoidable. Great fun so far though :D

Also, to the Colchester lot, to anyone who sees this, could you go into the tat shop at some point and let my Dad know I've sent him an email? My phone doesn't work out here, so I couldn't call him to tell him how everything is going, thanks xx

Singles next, hope it doesn't disappoint :D

i am sure if you just post stuff it will be fine and make sure you tell us how everyone does in worlds as soon as poss thanks :)