I'm In

By Jagdcarcajou, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Anonymus said:

I guess alot of Soccer fans would be pissed if the fifa or whatever suddenly and radicaly change the rules of engagement.

WHRPG is a part of my hobby just like soccer for some. (but im not violent though so don't worry)

Or, to follow that line of logic, like the FIA changing most of the rules about Formula One.

Which they did.

And they have more fans than ever, because it's more interesting...

Wait, isn't that a good thing? gui%C3%B1o.gif

Well I don't care about you guys, but I'm not buying it.

But my "Fun" will be making the purchase without my knowledge I'm sure.


I'm definately in as well.


Just signed up so I could throw in my two cents on this explosive issue.

I am very excited about the new edition. Looks great!

Even with a big price tag it seems worth it . . .

Four books, loads of crazy new dice and hundreds of reference cards.

A new design direction for Role-playing games is a good thing.

My gaming group only wants to play D & D Fourth Edition, this may draw them away.

So - Count me in ! ! !