I'm In

By Jagdcarcajou, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay


The game looks like it adds some great new ideas to roleplaying. I am only guessing, but from the look of the action card (which appears to be more of a flash-card quick reference than a "kewl power" card), the dice pool is determined by a combo of ability and some X factors. Roll your pool, and interpret the results. So, you need two "hammers" to hit, 3 gives you a damage boost, and other options are available based on what you roll.

This seems to open up a lot of interpretive freedom for the GM and players to describe the action. It isn't needed per se, but I think it has lots of potential to add a spark to the game. In particular it may be an innovative way to get new players over the "I hit for 5 damage" and into more descriptive narration.

If your pool tells you how many "hammer" dice you get to roll etc., then this is an interesting system that gets away from traditional numeric dice. There is nothing wrong with improving or innovating the "game" portion of an RPG. Hell, the roleplaying aspect is completely independent of system anyway. In fact, the game portion of 2nd edition was its weakest element.

Too bad so much negativity comes with the announcement. I see a lot of evidence of poor reading comprehension, and unfounded accusations. (Board game, only 4 players, not a roleplaying game, etc. what a load of crap.) Hopefully GenCon will bring some more elucidation from attendees that get to see the game.



Well said. I'm in.

That DOES all sound awesome.

I'm getting more and more excited about this game.

Yeah, i want to describe a battle for 8 hours not a story when i roleplay. Sounds like fun. This is for people who read black library books for the dakka and not the fluff. Ugh.

And i want to pay for NPC cards...

Anonymus said:

Yeah, i want to describe a battle for 8 hours not a story when i roleplay. Sounds like fun. This is for people who read black library books for the dakka and not the fluff. Ugh.

Do you have any idea how rude you're being right now?

Don't mention halflings, man. Then you'll get the REAL royal treatment.

Elaborate, i am oblivious to my rudeness. Or maybe you missinterpreted something.

Anonymus said:

Elaborate, i am oblivious to my rudeness. Or maybe you missinterpreted something.

Ha ha! What a class act.

One moment you're like:

"Well OBVIOUSLY if you like WFRP 3.0, you'd HAVE to be an imbecile with a short attention span and an inability to read! cool.gif "

Then when someone calls you out on that behavior, you're like:

"What? Pray tell enlighten me on how I wronged thee, good sir! sorpresa.gif "

Reread please. He quoted something else. and reread what i wrote before, memory loss is common and a lot of people don't know that you can do something about it.

I was a doomsayer as well, till I checked out the info FFG has released. Now I can't wait to get my hands on this game! I'm sure it will be a hell of a lot of fun to play this.

I do wonder how well the mechanics acomodate the use of miniatures during combat.

I'm looking forward to it too, can't wait to get my hands on it.

Also guys, ignore Anonymous. Anyone with a name like that can only be a 4chan troller.

Jagdcarcajou said:


The game looks like it adds some great new ideas to roleplaying. I am only guessing, but from the look of the action card (which appears to be more of a flash-card quick reference than a "kewl power" card), the dice pool is determined by a combo of ability and some X factors. Roll your pool, and interpret the results. So, you need two "hammers" to hit, 3 gives you a damage boost, and other options are available based on what you roll.

This seems to open up a lot of interpretive freedom for the GM and players to describe the action. It isn't needed per se, but I think it has lots of potential to add a spark to the game. In particular it may be an innovative way to get new players over the "I hit for 5 damage" and into more descriptive narration.

If your pool tells you how many "hammer" dice you get to roll etc., then this is an interesting system that gets away from traditional numeric dice. There is nothing wrong with improving or innovating the "game" portion of an RPG. Hell, the roleplaying aspect is completely independent of system anyway. In fact, the game portion of 2nd edition was its weakest element.

Too bad so much negativity comes with the announcement. I see a lot of evidence of poor reading comprehension, and unfounded accusations. (Board game, only 4 players, not a roleplaying game, etc. what a load of crap.) Hopefully GenCon will bring some more elucidation from attendees that get to see the game.



Jagdcarcajou said:


The game looks like it adds some great new ideas to roleplaying. I am only guessing, but from the look of the action card (which appears to be more of a flash-card quick reference than a "kewl power" card), the dice pool is determined by a combo of ability and some X factors. Roll your pool, and interpret the results. So, you need two "hammers" to hit, 3 gives you a damage boost, and other options are available based on what you roll.

This seems to open up a lot of interpretive freedom for the GM and players to describe the action. It isn't needed per se, but I think it has lots of potential to add a spark to the game. In particular it may be an innovative way to get new players over the "I hit for 5 damage" and into more descriptive narration.

Yeah you're right. How could anyone "interpret" any of their PC's actions prior to this new edition without nifty little dice with specially designed symbols and action cards? I know all of my group's creativity and interpretation during combat was removed when we simply rolled dice with plain boring numbers on them and then tried to be imaginative or <gasp> role-play the outcomes of the roll's success or failure.

I can't believe we didn't realize just how restricted and shackled we were. I guess we should be thanking the new edition <cough> boardgame <cough> for liberating us from such evils with these new dice and super swell action cards.

Jagdcarcajou said:

If your pool tells you how many "hammer" dice you get to roll etc., then this is an interesting system that gets away from traditional numeric dice. There is nothing wrong with improving or innovating the "game" portion of an RPG. Hell, the roleplaying aspect is completely independent of system anyway. In fact, the game portion of 2nd edition was its weakest element.

Disillusion is wonderful, isn't it?

Jagdcarcajou said:

Too bad so much negativity comes with the announcement. I see a lot of evidence of poor reading comprehension, and unfounded accusations. (Board game, only 4 players, not a roleplaying game, etc. what a load of crap.) Hopefully GenCon will bring some more elucidation from attendees that get to see the game.



Oh, no. There are plenty of people here that have thoroughly read all the details within the description. It's just that, some people know when a turd is still just a turd, no matter how much it has been polished up, sprayed with perfume and wrapped in a nice red bow, the rest are just sheeple looking for the next new fad, no matter how craptastic.


Wycked said:

Blah Blah Blah, Troll, Troll Blah

Go away please.

Hehe. 'I'm in'. I was thinking of making a similar thread.
I may pick that one up. Especially since it looks like high quality and capable of pulling in new players easily.
Hopefully it'll be tried out locally.


I'm looking forward to it too, can't wait to get my hands on it.

Also guys, ignore Anonymous. Anyone with a name like that can only be a 4chan troller.

bostezo.gif Yeah.


Wycked said:

Blah Blah Blah, Troll, Troll Blah

Go away please.


Wycked said:

Blah Blah Blah, Troll, Troll Blah

Go away please.

Buck up, kid. I know the truth stings sometimes, but you'll be ok. Yeah, you'll be ok.

Wycked said:

Buck up, kid. I know the truth stings sometimes, but you'll be ok. Yeah, you'll be ok.

Don't flatter yourself: you're not hurting anyone's feelings, you're just filling this forum with awful posts that do not contribute to the discussion.

Necrozius said:

Wycked said:

Buck up, kid. I know the truth stings sometimes, but you'll be ok. Yeah, you'll be ok.

Don't flatter yourself: you're not hurting anyone's feelings, you're just filling this forum with awful posts that do not contribute to the discussion.

And you help how?

Anonymus said:

And you help how?

You're right: I admitted that I was deliberately trolling you in another thread: for that i apologize.

But 'sperging furiously about a game involving magical orcs and fairies while throwing around insults is pretty lame and immature. Knock it off.

I guess alot of Soccer fans would be pissed if the fifa or whatever suddenly and radicaly change the rules of engagement.

WHRPG is a part of my hobby just like soccer for some. (but im not violent though so don't worry)

FFG devs: I'm in too. Or, at least, you have my interest and good will.

You don't have my money yet. But I will watch this with a certain amount of excitement.

I have no intention of judging or bad-mouthing a game based on a marketing announcement.

In fact, the small details you have released so far sound very interesting.

Especially the potential in the new dice system.

I await further info with great interest.

I'm definitely in. Hope we get a pre-order announcement soon!


Sorry, i am French .. so my english is ... poor

just a little feeling quickly ... I learn about the 3 edition of Warhammer few weeks ago.

I have just seen the anoucement and I am very interessed in what will be the game.

of course I will purchase it ... because I got plenty of money happy.gif ... no because I play RPG since 25 years and I am a maniac frenetic buyer !!

About the actual reaction of the potential player (or not potential) I can understand, but I was in the hudge team of 2nd edition tester (open the book, look the first pages, you'll find my name (I am so proud of it gran_risa.gif )) and I remenber the feeling and reactions was ... the same ... comparing the 1ste to the 2nd

So let's give the 3rd a chance ...

because :

- IMHO it is a good idea to try new things (cards specials dices etc etc etc) can be a terrible mess of a fantastic succes ! let's see

- special dice ? good idea to force people purchasing the game => more money to FFG => more games after !! RPG is not a place where you make some easy moneyt !!

- Cards ? why not, I tryed TORG and it was fine for me

- Shall we still have the Career advancement ? I hope so, I pray for it ! happy.gif this is for me the point compare to other RPG ( if somebody have info about this )

So I am longing for news and to see the game in reallity ... shall the french editor make the translation in french ? well well let's see ...

thank you guys !! and good play with the V3 (or the V2 (or the V1)))


I'm in as well.

Personally, I'm quite happy that FFG keeps the Warhammer Fantasy/Warhammer 40k settings well supplied with games. And all the games I've seen so far are great. So keep up the good work!