Impressive... and expensive!

By Prof_Nexus, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

I'll definitely be picking this one up, but the boxed set is pretty pricey. I'm hoping that a player's kit will be available separately.

Too right!

100 bucks is what... 60 quid? Ouch!

$100? i'll certainly wait until the rules are in, and maybe some some demo mechanics and such. Not going to drop that much without knowing if I like the new edition. I'm sure production wise its worth every penny. But if i don't like how the game plays, you couldnt' give it to me for free.

You do seem to get ALOT for your money.. 4 books, over 40 dice... sounds like its expensive to produce. Ill see what IG have it for in the next few months.

What is the Release date?

Necronomicus said:

What is the Release date?

Doesnt seem to have been announced yet...

Sounds like you get a lot for your money. But then, FFG is known for people complaining about getting too much stuff and not knowing how to store it. The price is high, but my sticking point is not having an RPG group to play.

sepayne7l said:

Sounds like you get a lot for your money. But then, FFG is known for people complaining about getting too much stuff and not knowing how to store it. The price is high, but my sticking point is not having an RPG group to play.

Same here, I am on the BRINK of getting togetehr maybe 3 more people to game with... so it seems, my group MIGHT just come togetehr on the Eve of the Second Dark Age... sucks to be us! hehe

On another hand this sounds like a quite nice way to handle this kind of RPG.

On another hand it sounds like monthly "booster" to add new artifacts and spell to "your" game.

Luckily - I've drunk a lot tonight.

doc_cthulhu said:

On another hand this sounds like a quite nice way to handle this kind of RPG.

On another hand it sounds like monthly "booster" to add new artifacts and spell to "your" game.

Luckily - I've drunk a lot tonight.

Ive drunk alot tonight too... so I cant tell if THATS why i can see where you are coming from.. or the same fear is sitting in my gut too.... hmm

Let's hope it's the booze. Currently I'm refressing my browser like a ratcatcher on skaven brew. This is just so... "Hilarious" just might be the right word but it doesn't translate into any language in a way that would make sense as it does to mine. (We had this tv-show about a woolen rat called Hilarius, it was about singing mouse and his family... Maybe they too were skaven!)

doc_cthulhu said:

Let's hope it's the booze. Currently I'm refressing my browser like a ratcatcher on skaven brew. This is just so... "Hilarious" just might be the right word but it doesn't translate into any language in a way that would make sense as it does to mine. (We had this tv-show about a woolen rat called Hilarius, it was about singing mouse and his family... Maybe they too were skaven!)

The Ratmen do get everywhere you dotn expect to find them.. assuming they exist at all!

RebelDave said:

The Ratmen do get everywhere you dotn expect to find them.. assuming they exist at all!

(off-topic) As once said they exist. In Finland atleast...

doc_cthulhu said:

RebelDave said:

The Ratmen do get everywhere you dotn expect to find them.. assuming they exist at all!

(off-topic) As once said they exist. In Finland atleast...

I is confused... how is that relevant to Ratmen?

RebelDave said:

I is confused... how is that relevant to Ratmen?

Sorry... Don't Mind me. The Symbol of Lapin liha just looks kinda the "triangle of skaven". I'll shut up right now. gran_risa.gif

doc_cthulhu said:

RebelDave said:

I is confused... how is that relevant to Ratmen?

Sorry... Don't Mind me. The Symbol of Lapin liha just looks kinda the "triangle of skaven". I'll shut up right now. gran_risa.gif

*gasp*! You are right my friend! The Ratmen are everywhere!!!

100$ sound like bad joke, it's too expensive even for FFG smooth & shiny release.

overmind said:

100$ sound like bad joke, it's too expensive even for FFG smooth & shiny release.

Come on! The box will surely be so huge that 100$ is a cheap price. :D

doc_cthulhu said:

overmind said:

100$ sound like bad joke, it's too expensive even for FFG smooth & shiny release.

Come on! The box will surely be so huge that 100$ is a cheap price. :D

I cant help feel, you will be paying more, for more tools, to reduce the freedome given to you by any single book for the previous editions.

But without seeing a copy of the rules, who knows.

RebelDave said:

Too right!

100 bucks is what... 60 quid? Ouch!

To buy or not to buy? $100 that's not including delivery is it? Do I buy it and immediately start re-writting it?

Last month was my birthday, about once a month I help my dad run competitions and I always refuse to be paid, but at my birthday or christmas I always get so much better presents from my dad than my brothers (who never do anything for anyone) get. So I had a card with £500 inside last month, the money is untouched....

I always thought RPG's in general a bit too vague for my taste... and you do need a group of avid players.

Now with this release, it may change, and for the better. A la Descent, you could store the group's stats conveniently in boxes, and don't have to rely on lists and refer to the rulebook all the time, which may help the roleplaying experience, as with less admin, there's more time to enjoy the inmersion in the world.

I'm excited, and though the price doesn't seem high content-wise, it's still a lot of money in one go. I'll wait and see more previews.

PS WOW! Is anyone else amazed at the rate FFG is churning out games lately? I'm impressed, and at the same time my credit card is trembling happy.gif

RebelDave said:

Too right!

100 bucks is what... 60 quid? Ouch!

The BSG boardgame is RRP $49.95 in the US and £34.99 in the UK - so I'd guess at a £69.99 price point.

(A straight currency conversion at today's wholesale/money market prices has $100=£60.58 which is £69.68 with 15% VAT, and £71.18 with the 17.5% we're expecting from January)

I was already going to throw chunks of cash at FFG, what with Rogue Trader, Chaos in the Old World, BSG expansion and Radical's Handbook coming out this summer/fall... 100 bucks more or less is not that much of a difference :S

well i own every copy of all the first edition and second edition books with about .20 to 30 misc. multiples of various copies(suffice it to say i love warhammer fantasy), i also own all the warhammer quest pieces and all the descent stuff so i will definatly be picking this up regardless of the price, althought by the looks and the sounds of it my group and I will probably not drop 2nd edition to start playing this, i will pick it up just to own another piece of warhammer fantasy work, who knows if we really like it we will probably start playing it as well. Im also waiting to see what this ratcatcher thing is all about.