Wonder if this is a test to see if folks will like the setting under the 4E rules?
4E Mini Adventure?
What a horrible surprise. Hopefully FFG will not cripple Midnight by WoWing it, like WotC did to DnD with the 4th Edition. I should stop now, before I start raging again.
If the download from DriveThroughRPG wasn't so slow, I would have something to WATCH!
I, for one, hope that Midnight eventually gets released as a 4e setting. The powers system in 4e is extremely flexible and makes it so designers can better translate fiction to rpg without having to pigeon hole abilities in the fiction into existing systems. 4e is a game where players and DMs can "see the code" and costruct powers/monsters/abilities from scratch much easier than in earlier D&D games.
As someone who has all the 3.5 designed Midnight product and won't be migrating to 4th Ed, I hope they don't switch to 4th. Keep it 3.5 or switch to Paizo's Pathfinder rpg
So far, I have all the works for Midnight in my collection.
I thank you for the D&D 4E adventure in the DVD.
I look forward to seeing Midnight become established as a D&D 4E Campaign Setting.