New Rogue Trader Designer Diary: The Rogue Trader Starship Record Sheet

By FFG Ross Watson, in Rogue Trader

Hi Rogue Trader fans!

This week I have another preview from the Rogue Trader core rulebook: The Starship record sheet. Enjoy!

I have to say that I absolutely love the fact that the ship is essentially another character in the party.

While a lot of this was already known (from previous designer notes), it only makes me more excited for the release.

PLEASE tell me you're shipping the Collectors' Edition before GenCon! I don't know how much longer I can wait!

I must admire that sheet. It's the clearest, simplest starship data sheet I can recall seeing for any SciFi RPG.

Very nice Ross, can't wait to play this game :)

although it makes sence i never really thought the ship would have its own caracter sheet. Great work though

Very nice, very clean. Looks like an interesting idea.

As with the RT character sheet, as much as I enjoy full-color, I have to ask if there will be a black and white version more suitable for printing en masse.

Seems simple and clean, the only thing I see it that there seems to only be room for 4 weapon systems. Hopefully that will be enough.

As to a printing it, the only parts that are color are the page borders. So if you just print it black and white all the important parts will still come out right. Not ideal but still workable.

... and I will enjoy it!

Thanks a lot for all the work you put into the stuff! I canĀ“t wait to lay hands on my own copy of RT.