Dr. Gostalo's Amazing Inter-Galactic Psycho Circus

By pduggan, in Rogue Trader

Ok, so what's this adventure about? Its been coming for 26 years. Details?

Way back when, in the dark and distant past of Warhammer 40k; back when planets were named after pastries and the most esteemed and honorable Space Marine Primarchs were in their teenage years doing drugs and hanging out with the decidely wrong crowd; there was a Beast Hunter of legendary renown who combed the galaxy for some of the most exotic and unusual (unwilling) entertaintment. Captured beasts, xeno slaves, all manner of twisted and decadent pleasures could found there....

Okay sorry, I have no idea as that was before my time. That's something I surmised from the title.

For the good Doctor's circus to be TRULY intergalactic, it would have to have a few Tyranids in it. Perhaps they could sell the popcorn.

You could use Rippers as garbage disposal...although a couple of people mite get eaten