Well, we all know how the patch tournaments go, and this really wasn't all that different from the previous ones. We had a pretty average turnout of 11, and we played 4 rounds of swiss. I didn't play myself, instead allowing my friend Alex to take my Yun deck to power
The players were as follows:
Alex P (Squall14): Yun , Dan(Nemesis): Victor , Kyle(Soki): Zangief , Chris: Zangief , Matt P: Astaroth , Rob(ChaosChild): Demitri , Alex L: Leona , Jonathan(Crazy Elf): Revenant , Lee (R. Fluxing): R. Mika , Paul(Theo): Jivatma and Ricky(Son Gopaul): Sagat
This was a pretty diverse tournament with only one duplicate character, with some surprise appearances from Leona, Revenant and R. Mika. Now, not many of us, including myself, were in the greatest of moods during the tournament, so it possibly wasn't as enjoyable as other tournaments we've had in the past (The Multi-resource challenge, for example). And now, onto the results:
- Kyle
- Dan
- Alex P
- Paul
- Matt P
- Rob
- Ricky
- Chris
- Lee
- Alex L
- Jonathan
Jonathan appears to have a strange habit of jumping from one end of a tournament to the other, he won the last one, after all :|
The trouble we found with the Earth patch decks were that they pretty much all contained the same cards. Tag Along, Inhuman Perception, Absurd, Tiger Fury, Clones etc. I can only hope (most likely in vain) that the Water patch will be different (don't forget that Rejection is banned and the Agohani Ibis loop is heavily discouraged, folks
) We had a pretty nice prize pool for this one, including Felicia, Zangief, Strife's Patronage and everyone's favourite: Aurelia's Companionship! Fun times for all. Until next time