Hospital for the Insane

By Maxime Briand, in CoC Off Topic

Today, I suddenly remembered that I once had a CoC card, a promo or something that I received from a magazine... so, after excavations in my old CCGs boxes for almost an hour, I finally found it.... except it's a Mythos card. And only an uncommon one, according to what I found on the internet. serio.gif Oh well, I guess my 1st CoC cards will be the ones from those new Core Sets.

Besides making me feel stupid lengua.gif , anyone who can tell me what happened to that game, and how it was different from CoC ? Anyone who still plays the game?

The game went dead shortly after they brought out New Aeon set. I still play it from time to time, and still have 2x each card but it was more like story telling then actual playing...still a very original idea for a CCG.
