New Name, Same Guy

By Glasgow Scotland, in Arkham Horror Second Edition


Am hoping to continue to read and post in the AH forums.

I'm the former Dublin Ireland. Was impossible to log on using my former handle and password, so I had to re-register.

Am not entirely oriented to this new forum. My main interest is to read about game strategies, learn some playing tips, and occasionally ask questions about aspects of AH that mystify me.

The old forum seemed fine, but -- hey -- this version is graphically attractive and may be equally fine.

Best to all--

This forum currently sucks. Can't tell who anyone is, can't edit posts after 5 minutes, can't PM, and it takes too long on top of it.

But they are working on it...alegedly.

Welcome back!

Yes but you forget the points...I will have the most point ever! wuhaha and only avatars we can have are preselected ones and we can see how many friends everyone has...uh and everything is all grey looking! bostezo.gif

so do you live in either dublin or glasgow?

Hi again Glasgow/Dublin. And welcome... to the grey side.

ColtsFan76 said:

This forum currently sucks. Can't tell who anyone is, can't edit posts after 5 minutes, can't PM, and it takes too long on top of it.

At least they have improved the contrast of the text. But yeah... given my research interests, I've been holding my tongue a lot ever since this new site came online.

Speaking of which, I've seen you (ColtsFan) mention in a couple of posts that you can edit your posts for five minutes. The last time I posted I had a look but didn't notice a button for it. Where is it? (What are the odds I'll see it right after I post this?)


Thelric said:

What are the odds I'll see it right after I post this?

100%, as it tuns out. For anyone who is looking, it is in the little bar at the top of the message, in teeny-tiny text.

tamsyn said:

so do you live in either dublin or glasgow?

Galveston TX near the's sunny or grey lol