How much work is involved?

By cthulhuspawn82, in Android

How difficult is this game to set up and run as compared to Arkham Horror? I don’t mean difficulty as in hard to understand rules, I mean as far as all the little bits and pieces you have to keep track of and move around. Arkham Horror is a great game, but it takes so long to set up, after getting everything in place I almost feel physically exhausted. And constantly moving around all the sanity/life tokens and spell/item/skill cards gets tiresome as well. I know from the looks of it, Android probably has some hassle associated with it as well, but is it as bad as Arkham Horror? Either way I will probly still purchast the game. My devotion to Arkham horror shows how much I am willing to work my but off for a good game.

Dunno about Android since I still haven't have the chance to gather friends to play it, but for Arkham and all the stuff material, I recommend you to look at my "Storage!" thread in Arkham forums, it is a good place to make oneself ideas about getting things easier during setup !

I would say it takes as much or more as Arkham. There are chits o'plenty in this game. Have fun.

Wow, is it really that much. In Arkham, exchanging sanity/health chits was the most annoying because they always went up or down whenever you did anything from combat to encounters. Plus you constantly had to be exchanging money for items and keeping track of the dozen items or spells that your character had. From reading the rulebook, Android seemed to have a lot of extra chits as well, maybe even more, but it didn’t look like players would be handing them back and forth with the “chit keeper” as much as in Arkham.

Just as a little tip, in any chit-heavy games where you're constantly moving the same chits back and forth, just keep a little pool of the chits close by - don't hand them back to the chit-keeper. In the case of AH, keep any stamina/sanity your investigator has ON your investigator sheet, and any stamina/sanity he's lost just OFF to the side of the sheet. Then it's a matter of just moving a few chits back and forth a couple of inches rather than having to return them to the bank each time.

Thanks for the advice, I know I need better chit handling skills; sometimes we just use dice to mark sanity, stamina, and money in Arkham.

I think my biggest problem is playing space, we play in my den, on a coffee table, so there is barley enough space for the Arkham board, and I keep all the chits in little bags, on the couch next to me, and all the cards on a little table nearby that we have to go to. Perhaps I should look into buying a big table that I can fold up behind the couch or something, or maybe even playing on the floor. I have no idea ho much a “gaming” table would cost, but I imagine it couldn’t be that cheap.

Or, as I told you, you buy the kind of stuff I did buy, it is incredibly cheap (5$ the fishing box for tokens, for instance, or 10 other bucks for the cards boxes) and you'll see space won't be any problem any more...

The only way I see Android being that bad to setup is if you keep all the pieces loose in the box. If you at least keep the stuff in zip-loc bags at the very least (if not the nifty plano boxes) the setup shouldn't be too bad.

In terms of setup, Android is much easier than Arkham Horror. As others pointed out, how you store the game, makes all the difference.

For example, I use deck boxes that hold each investigators cards and bits. Just hand the box to the player and they're ready to go. I separate each bit into it's own plastic container. Just take off the lid and set next to the board.

I usually only play 3 player games, sometimes 4. This is with the same group of people, and most of our games range from 3-4 hours.

Bleached Lizard said:

Just as a little tip, in any chit-heavy games where you're constantly moving the same chits back and forth, just keep a little pool of the chits close by - don't hand them back to the chit-keeper. In the case of AH, keep any stamina/sanity your investigator has ON your investigator sheet, and any stamina/sanity he's lost just OFF to the side of the sheet. Then it's a matter of just moving a few chits back and forth a couple of inches rather than having to return them to the bank each time.

Huh? Someone let the players keep a mini-bank of chits next to their actual gained chits? No itchy fingers accidentally knocking more chits onto the sheet? What a trust-worthy bunch! I'd like to buy insurance from them! :-)

Draconian said:

Bleached Lizard said:

Just as a little tip, in any chit-heavy games where you're constantly moving the same chits back and forth, just keep a little pool of the chits close by - don't hand them back to the chit-keeper. In the case of AH, keep any stamina/sanity your investigator has ON your investigator sheet, and any stamina/sanity he's lost just OFF to the side of the sheet. Then it's a matter of just moving a few chits back and forth a couple of inches rather than having to return them to the bank each time.

Huh? Someone let the players keep a mini-bank of chits next to their actual gained chits? No itchy fingers accidentally knocking more chits onto the sheet? What a trust-worthy bunch! I'd like to buy insurance from them! :-)

Dude, it's not even like it's a competative game! You're all cooperating, so you can only cheat against the game system itself, and if you're gonna do that you might as well not play. Anyone who does is just a bit... lame.

All right, then; I didn' t know the ARKHAM HORROR game.