dutpotd said:
Grizzlegrom said:
You are crazy! This deck is pretty awesome I like it!
Too bad I won't be able to see this at worlds.
Yeah, a big downer that you aren't going to be there. I read in some other post that you weren't and I was like - what!!! Our Canadian Nationals Champion isn't going to show up
What's got you staying home next week? If its money that's one thing, but if it is something else I'd toss it out the window - if only to give me and others like me some of the greatest matches of their UFS life ^^
- dut
Yeah it is very sad I won't even be able to defend my Legacy championship
It's a little bit of the money and more of work not giving me the time off
I really do apprieciate that though
and you're one of the people who I'm rooting for the most so don't let me down, if you want to throw some deck ideas back and forth before worlds I can do my best to help you