I just purchased the LCG Core Set and would call myself a novice Call of Cthulhu player. I have some experience with a variety of older CCG's. My question is to some veteran Call of Cthulhu LCG players. I have been reading through the forums here and I am starting to wonder if I am going to have problems putting decks together if I don't have multiple copies of certain cards? Are multiple copies of the same card critical to deck building? I purchased the LCG Core Set for my interest in the theme and playing for fun as opposed to fierce competitive play. I think most of my enjoyment for the game will come from putting together decks with a theme and using no duplicate cards. I am sure I can do this successfully as I have done it with others games and I have supplied all the decks. However, will this plan mean that if I take such a deck out to play at any sort of public event I will be hopelessly outclassed and ground into oblivion as any opponent I play rides some uber card to victory?