Sora LVL1 - HP8 4/1
Form Cards:
Sora (Valor Form) x 3
LVL 0 -
The King x 1
Tidus x 2
Alice x 2
Captain Pete x 2
LVL 1 -
Phil x 2
Pinnochio x 3
Abu x 1
Cid x 1
Moogle x 2
Mickey Mouse x 2
Selphie x 1
LVL 2 -
Goofy x 3
Kairi x 2
LVL 3 -
Jack Sparrow x 2
Goofy (Set 4) x 2
Merlin x 1
LVL 4 -
Goofy (Set 4) x 2
Auron x 2
Sephiroth x 1
LVL 0 -
Tinkerbell x 1
LVL 1 -
Simba x 1
LVL 3 -
Bambi x 3
Ultima Weapon x 1
Oblivion x 1
Olympia x 2
Fairy Harp x 2
Kingdom Key x 3
LVL 2 -
Gravity x 1
LVL 4 -
Graviga x 1
Stop x 1
Pete x 2
Destiny Isles x 2
Monstro LVL 1 x 2
Timeless River x 1
Promo Event x 1
My intial thoughts...this deck is horrendously overweight. I plan to cut a lot from it shortly.
It's intent is to go lean heavily on the opponent, trying to dish out as much damage as I can and cycling through as much of the deck as I can in a short amount of time, however, it lacks the draw power and speed for this, so it'll need a bit of playtesting first.