Set 4 Deck

By Roxas2, in Gummi Garage

Player Card
1x P Sora lvl 1

Form Change Cards (3)
3x SR Valor Form

Friend Cards (28 )
Level 0
3x R Owl
1x SR Captain Pete
1x SR The King

Level 1
3x U Phil
3x R Pinocchio
2x C Goofy lvl 1

Level 2
1x U Jack Skellington (ADA)
1x SR Yuffie (BoD)
2x U Hercules
1x U Will Turner
2x C Pegaus

Level 3
2x R Hercules (BoD)
2x R Jack Sparrow

Level 4
2x SR Auron
1x R Goofy

Equipment (4)
2x C Oblivion
2x U Olympia

Attack (2)
1x SR Ultima Weapon
1x U Oblivion

Dark Cards (9)
1x U Panic lvl 3
2x SR Behemoth lvl 5 (ADA)
2x U Barbossa lvl 5
2x SR Cerberus lvl 6

World Cards (5)
2x SR Destiny Island lvl 1
2x U Monstro lvl1
2x Olympus Colisuem

Impressive setup for this deck.

Surprised that you don't include any Bambi 3 in your deck.

This is just a suggestion.

-Maybe you should add/replace Tinker Bell 0 for a Tinker Bell 1 Promo.

-Hydra is really nice with its POW 25. Hades has also gotten better in Set 4 and maybe you should replace one of the Dragon Maleficent for Hades.

I thought about it until I played tested last night and it seemed to go pretty quick so Bambi lvl 3 wasn't nessicary and I have Bambi lvl 1 for a quick draw as well as Goofy lvl 3

I've been thinking about Hades. I'l test Tink lvl 1 and see if it's any better.

I have some doubts about the monstro setup, since noone i know plays with that type ofdeck and I've always been interested in this setup:

what is the common strategy when monstro lvl 1 isnt in play, and what is the strategy when it is?

any pointers at all would be appreciated especially including any strategies on the new set

bambi 1 is a filler card and not really necessary so id say get rid of those and hydra because how many WRs are there going to be out there now? so i think youll be good without those. just to cut the size a bit.

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