Head colds suck.

By Deathseed, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

Title says it all. Enjoying the fruits of the first real head cold I've had in a long while. I knew something was amiss when I woke up with a raw throat last Wednesday.

On the positive side, I've reached the Captain Snotfarm stage, so I'm getting over it. I'm relearning to hate facial tissue though.

And from what I've heard, most of my LGS has shared the love.

So keep that in mind folks. When gaming, be mindful of the germs ;)

Edited by Deathseed

Nyquil severe cold and flu kicks it out quick...Knocks you out so do nott plan on doing anything butt crashing hard in la la land...

Nyquil severe cold and flu kicks it out quick...Knocks you out so do nott plan on doing anything butt crashing hard in la la land...

I've been using that exact thing at bedtime :)

Right now I'm just waiting for my histamine over-response to settle down so I can quit living my life with a tissue in my face.

Edited by Deathseed

Well, since misery shared is misery halved, I'm going through a fantabulous headcold of my own right now. I'm always amazed at just how much snot the human head can contain. Sinuses must be transdimensional caverns of some kind.

Well, since misery shared is misery halved, I'm going through a fantabulous headcold of my own right now. I'm always amazed at just how much snot the human head can contain. Sinuses must be transdimensional caverns of some kind.

Ain't it the truth? When I had that cold I could swear everything I drank was instantaneously being transmuted into mucous.

Well, since misery shared is misery halved, I'm going through a fantabulous headcold of my own right now. I'm always amazed at just how much snot the human head can contain. Sinuses must be transdimensional caverns of some kind.

Ain't it the truth? When I had that cold I could swear everything I drank was instantaneously being transmuted into mucous.

Buh, that's about where I'm at now. riding out the week of hystamine-driven misery. It'll be done soon, thankfully, if it goes according to the usual pattern.

Well, since misery shared is misery halved, I'm going through a fantabulous headcold of my own right now. I'm always amazed at just how much snot the human head can contain. Sinuses must be transdimensional caverns of some kind.

Ain't it the truth? When I had that cold I could swear everything I drank was instantaneously being transmuted into mucous.

Buh, that's about where I'm at now. riding out the week of hystamine-driven misery. It'll be done soon, thankfully, if it goes according to the usual pattern.

That's all one can hope for at that point. Just have to wait for the glands to trigger a cease fire.

Get well good sir!

Missed work today because of one, got to go tomorrow. Not much sick-leave and so much Armada stuff to buy

I went to a 40k Combat Patrols tourney years ago. One of my opponents had thick snot literally oozing out of his nose. Only time I've refused to shake hands after a game. LGS's can almost be as bad as schools for germs.

Can I +1 this post? Ended up at the ER for dehydration.... Along with more... Recently. And the army said I still had to drill. Even though dr said contagious till Monday. Lol oh my. Fun weekend.