Misc. questions

By Intys Rule, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

I've played a few games of Armada now and have played a good number of intro games to get new players in. We're starting to do 180-pt lists now on "mock tournaments." Because of this, I've got a few questions:

1. How exactly are ships placed on the table? For example, in X-Wing, lowest PS goes down first and if PS is tied, the player with initiative puts his ship down first. How is this done in Armada?

2. A player just asked me how does Escort ability work (X-Wing ability) and I must admit I have no clue at all!

3. Are there any rules about rerolls and rerolling rerolls? For instance, I make an attack, defender makes me reroll one dice and it comes up blank. Can I reroll that dice again using a concentrate fire token?

4. Speaking of concentrate fire, if I have that on my command dial, does it work for both ship attacks? Or just on one ship attack? If I have concentrate fire, and I am firing on a squadron with my Victory ship, can I roll 2 blue dice?

5. When a ship rams another ship, if both of them are at full health and full shields, do they both get a damage card anyway or does the damage go on shields first?

6. Is there a timing thing with spending tokens? Or can I spend any number of them anytime during my activation? For instance, I have a engineering token and reveal an engineering command.... does that mean I can have 6 points (Victory ship)? Can I also spend my navigate token and my concentrate fire token? (I'm starting to love Gen. Tarkin!)

7. Speaking of engineering points, can I spend them to gain duplicate effects? For instance, if I had 6 points, can I regain 3 shields (using the 2-point effect 3x)?

8. My Vic attacks the CR90 and gets two accuracy results and I say he can't use the brace and evade... I then attack the CR90 again and get 3 hits, no accuracy results. Can he now use his brace and evade?

9. The assault missiles upgrade card --- if I attack a ship on it's front arc and the enemy's front and both side arcs no longer have shields... if I roll 1 hit on a red dice and 1 crit on a black, does he suffer 3 hits + 1 crit?

A few questions are there just to double-check and make sure we are doing things correctly.


1. Ships are placed 1 at a time starting with player 1s choice of ship then player 2 choice then player 1 second ship etc

2 currently escort does nothing but the ability prevents enimies from shooting at friendly squads that don't have escort (such as y-wing)

3 not sure here currently I don't believe there are but idk

4 you have to spend the dial to use it so It only happens once a turn

5 yes a damage card is delt


I am unclear on this question

7yes you can use an effect multiple times (ie regain 3 shields)

8 yes the accuracy result only affects 1 attack


If you choose to activate the critical effects of the card he would suffer 2 damage on the front then 1 on both sides resulting in 4 damage

otherwise (since you can only trigger 1 critical effects) he would receive 1 hit and 1 critical

Edited by clontroper5

Phew that took a bit...

3) Concentrate fire has to be spent during Attack phase 3 (Resolve Attack Effects) (RRG page 4). The defender spends his defense tokens during Attack phase 4 (Spend Defense Tokens) (RRG page 2). So there's no opportunity for the attacker to reroll a die after a defense token rerolls it. However, if the attacker used a Concentrate Fire token to reroll a die, the defender at medium range could still use the Evade defense token to force that same die to reroll.

6) Each command (whether resolved via dial, token, or both) has to be used at a specific time. The RRG specifies when each command can be used on page 3-4 under Commands. Quick summary:

Navigate: During "Determine Course" step of movement

Squadron: After revealing command dial

Repair: After revealing command dial

Concentrate Fire: During "Resolve Attack Effects" step of an attack

I will try to answer these to the best of my ability with references to the rule book, for a 300 point format. If I am wrong, please correct me, and point out in the rules describing how I am wrong - I am not being a smart-ass, just show me where stuff is. This is a good exercise for me so that if I am wrong, someone will correct me - as they often do :lol:

  1. Ships are set up with the deployment zone, page 10, SETUP. Under DEPLOY SHIPS. Its titled deploy ships, but it should be Forces. Each player takes turns deploying one ship, or two squadrons. If less than two squadrons remaining, must place ship until no more ships, then his last squadron. This section is an easy read. Note, it takes place after determining initiative, determining the objective, and placing obstacles. The fleet must be decided ahead of time for fleet points.
  2. Refer to page 12 for keywords and page 6 for Engaged. An engaged squadron can only attack other engaged squadrons (and can not move unless only Heavy squadrons are engaged). Keywords Heavy, Escort and Swarm effect engaged squadrons.
  • Imagine a line of squadrons all less than engagement distance between each other. Y-Wing, TIE, X-WING, TIE. The Imperial player must decide on what to do, he has revealed a squadron command for his ship and he decided to activate two squadrons. If he picks his sandwiched TIE, he can not attack the Y-Wing, because that TIE is engaged with the X-Wing - which has escort ability (Y-Wing has no escort) - meaning when that Escort is there, they draw all enemy attacks basically. Imperial decides to activate the last TIE instead (not suggesting its tactically better). He is engaged with the X-Wing. He can not move. He must attack engaged squadrons before he can attach a ship. The TIE attacks the X-Wing. DOOM on X-Wing! That X-Wing is engaged with that sandwiched TIE. The TIE fighter has SWARM and can reroll one die. He kills the X-wing (damaged X-Wing). Now, the TIE behind the Y-Wing is now free to attack the Y-Wing, or move because the Y-Wing is a HEAVY, meaning that squadron does not prevent engaged squadrons (the TIE) from moving or attacking ships. The TIE fighter loves this SWARM stuff, and decided to move instead of attacking. But that Y-Wing and the TIE were still engaged - so that if there was a third TIE involved, and engaged with the Y-Wing, he could use his SWARM keyword (if there was still another squadron engaged with the Y-Wing). TIEs do not have to combine Swarm keywords. Rules just say - engaged with any squadron. TIEs comes in to sucker punch someone already in a fight. TIE and TIE Interceptors can Swarm. And swarm they will.
  • In the Engaged section, it describes how line of sight issues can prevent squadrons from being engaged. Read up on that too.

3. Page 2, bottom. But not in the scenario you resented.

Edited by wjgo

4 & 6

A Command is issued by using a command dial or a command token. You can only use one command type per activation. You can use the concentrate fire on the first attack. But can not use the concentrate fire token on a second attack. That would be issuing the same command twice. You can combine the same type of command dial and command token into a single command. Page 3, COMMANDS first paragraph, and the three bullet points in that section that come after the description of the command dials and tokens. A concentrate fire dial and token have different effects. You can never possess more than one type of command token at a time, or more tokens than your ship allows. For instance, if your ship has a command value of 3, by turn 4, you can't keep that 4th token if all you were doing was using the dial to bank tokens, even though there are different tokens.

In your scenario, you revel a repair command dial. You can combine that with a repair token, or keep the token (or give yourself a repair token if you did not already have one). Rules suggest that repair tokens are used after the dial is revealed. You can then later use the concentrate fire token when attacking, and then the navigate token when moving your ship.

5. Page 8 - OVERLAPPING They get damage and there are special movement rules for the ship. Look through the manual for that. The ramming ship is temporarily reduced in speed until it would no longer overlap, all the way to zero if needed. This section says that after this maneuver is executed, the ship returns to its original speed even it it stayed in one spot. So - there is in fact damage, and a navigation penalty system for the ramming ship. This of it as more or less hitting a ship and deflecting off if its moving fast enough to not overlap. If the ship was required to have a "Zero Speed" movement because of overlapping, its speed officially returns to its original speed. So that if its attacked later, it can still use defense tokens (Ships with a zero speed can not use defense tokens). Each get a damage card, which is basically skipping the defense tokens, so this is guaranteed damage card for both ships.

Edited by wjgo