Any suggestions for Metal Miniatures for Android characters?

By Joker, in Android

I just had a little thought: I am a hobbyist with painting minis. Could anyone suggest miniatures that would be good choices for Ray, Louis, Caprice, Rachael and Floyd? They don't have to look exactly the same; an African-American woman with shourt hair would do fine as Rachael, and a standard 1940s detective would be fine as Ray, for example.



Ooh... Good question. I'd be interested in suggestions, too.

In the plastic, prepainted direction, here are some possibilities: There's a Dreamblade rare called "Borg penitent" which has an appropriate look for Floyd. Admittedly, it doesn't really look like the picture of Floyd, though.

There's a Heroclix mini called "The Question," but it doesn't look quite seedy enough, and (most importantly) it doesn't have a painted face. So you'd need to do some painting yourself, which removes much of the advantage of it being prepainted.

For Rachel, maybe "Old Republic Scout" from Star Wars would work?

There are lots of official military/cop type miniatures which could work for Louis, but none of them look really correct. My pick might be Per Degaton from Heroclix:

or maybe Moff Jerjerrod from Star Wars:

I can't figure out anything really appropriate for Caprice. I think there's a Nico Minoru miniature coming out for Heroclix, though, so maybe that will work.