New Collector

By amphillips, in Agrabah Bazaar


I am looking to start collecting and I am interested in hearing your opinions on my options.

I figure, I can post around on the trading forums to see what people who are selling their collections have and at what price and buty collections to get complete sets. Or I can take my chances on buying several boxes of each booster display. Thoughts on which method would be better?

Obviously the chances are better if I buy collections, but that is also much more expensive. Just trying to see what everyone's opinion is. Thanks!


On my opinoin, it would be better too not do any of those. Buy 3 boxes of Set 4 cards because they just came out. I see it that you will get extras of a lot of good cards, and ones that people will definitely trade Set 1-3 cards for, and a lot of cards at once for. You might get 3 Cs for 1 C in Set 4. Plus, you will get a head start on the new Set too. That is my opinoin on it. Set 4 was just released today.

More or less The Champ is correct. Set 4 is a good option and buying the box is much cheaper in the long run (if brought from places like Potomac or CCGarmory). It's not nessicary 3 for 1, people will just be more willing to trade for Set 4.

I know from experience that I would trade tons of my set 1 for set 2-4 because I have an overload of set 1. for example, i have over 50 pumpkinheads OTL