WTT: My Boardgames for CoC LCG

By deepsteve, in CoC Trade Forum

I'm looking for the starter set and any/all asylum packs. I'm not interested in any pre-LCG cards.

For a list of things I've got to trade, check out http://bgg.cc/collection/user/samus?trade=1 (Not necessarily willing to trade all of that stuff for CoC).

hi! What do You say for some trade -> All LCG cards beneath for Shogun ?? please mail to me: [email protected]

literature professor TSf83
summer classes x3 TSf84
Shortsighted Librarian TTf63
Pagan Hall TTf64
chess prodigy x3 HB f25
dr. carson SSf3
sleeping pills x3 SSf5
rabbit`s foot x3 SSf4
itinerant scholar x3 CSf30
atwood science hall x2 CSf35
anthropology advisor x3 CSf25
cafeteria lady x3 AHf4
professor lake x2 MoMf3
notebook sketches x3 MoMf4
heavy furs x3 MoMf5

professor herman mulder CSf5
g-men x2 CSf13
mr. ngambe AHf3
kirby o`donnel x3 CSf2
torch the joint! CSf18
unorthodox psychologist x3 TSf81
agency groundskeeper x3 TTf61
A Call for Help TTf62
goverment exorcist x3 SSf1

obsessive inmate TSf97
unorthodox tactics TSf100
alaskan sledge dogs x8 MoMf16
parallel universe x3 TSF98
Clever Zoog x3 TTf76
Struggling Artist x3 TTf77
Total Eclipse x3 TTf79
beneath the surface x3 HBf38
julia brown x2 SSf17

vaporus isle TSf90
Stealthy Byakhee x3 TTf69
Coffee House x 3 TTf70

the thing from the shore TSf87
communal shower x3 TSf88
Bite Marks x3 TTf68

open grave x3 TSf94
Summoning Circle TTf74

tear gas x3 TSf86
friend of the family x3 TSF85
Midnight Alley TTf66