Redemption and Engineering Techs

By JJs Juggernaut, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

So do the effects of both these cards apply to engineering tokens as well as the dial? I've been trying to look at the RRG, but I can't seem to find a definite answer. With the Nav Team upgrade it specifically says the token, so I tend to think the answer is no, but the RRG says tokens are spent just like a dial, just with different effects, which makes me think the answer might be yes. I'm just not sure.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Edited by JJs Juggernaut

• Redemption :

When a friendly ship at distance 1-5 resolves a [Repair] command, it gains 1 additional engineering point.

Engineering Team:

[Repair]: Gain 1 additional engineering point.

Both cards key off of resolving the Repair command, whether it be from a Repair dial, token, or combination. The latter is shown in the LtP book, page 21, "Using Upgrade Cards":

“[Nav]:” and other effects with the icon of a command as a header may resolve while the ship is resolving the matching command.
Edited by caelenvasius