yet another computer game adaption - Left 4 Dead

By el pollo diablo, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

I'd really like to see a left 4 Dead Boardgame.

This could work very well and be very intense and have a great atmosphere and theme to it.

I imagine it to be one campaign of the computer game with new campaigns as expansions.

Like in the computer game you would have 4-5 levels or stages, either as different boards (much like the lord of the rings boardgame) or all on one or a doublesided board. You could have alternative paths on the board, big events at each end of a level where you have to fight your way to something or hold a location until you are rescued...or die... ^^

This could either be played as just an cooperative game against the board (like Arkham Horror) or with a Zombie Director who can spawn normal and special Zombies with abbilities like the tongue of the smoker or the puking boomer, trigger events, spawn the tank with special cards, events or other triggers.

Yu could have nice miniatures of the characters and Zombies.

Sheets and stories for the characters, pipebombs, molotovs different weapons.

I don't know which mechanics would work for fighting, where to spawn hordes and other infected, but that wouldn't be my job... ^^

But I think this could work as a boardgame. Maybe there is some kind of grid on the board and the different characters and zombies can move up to a certain ammount of spaces. Keeping together would give bonuses or so and melee could be a special abbility that can be used a certain ammount in one comabt or so. I know, it's not very well thought through but I think this could work.

Actually there is such a game ;) It´s called "Zombies!!!!" from Twilight Creation. And they recently added an expansion /stand alone version called "Humans!!!!" where some players play zombies and others human survivors ... just like left for dead ... just without the license :P

Hmmm, just watched a video of it and it really is like l4d. ^^

The license would be nice but this looks really interesting, thanks.