Armada MicroHangars

By SirWillibald, in Star Wars: Armada

v1.3 of the MicroHangars and the GearBoxes is ready to download on BGG:


- Added additional pages for X-Wing and TIE Fighter hangars, in case you want to have them printed. Just ignore the duplicates when printing at home
- Added french version.

- Corrected number of command tokens to "4"
- Added french version.

Happy cutting and glueing!

What to echo the praise this is a fantastic idea, thank you! My only real question is what do you use to cut your curves?

Are you finding your images with a quick Google search, or are you doing something more in-depth?

I know with x-wing some people keep the blisters that the ships come in and it makes for more secure storage in the plano cases. Can the tuck box accommodate the blister for armada? I mean obviously with the starter you would have to separate the blister bits from each other. But for the future expansions, the ships should be in their own blisters already seperated. And that could give a consistent measurement.

If a ship could be set back in it's blister, then slid into the tuckbox, that would at alot more stability, and eliminate the need for "stabilizers" on items that leave a ton of room like the VSD.

Just a thought. I would like to see that for x-wing too, even though I threw all my blisters away, maybe I could start doing that with the new ships I buy heh.

This time around I"m not throwing any of my blisters away. As now that I think about it, this is a great idea. And if you don't do it, I might commission a friend locally to make some tuck boxes measured to the blisters as they come out. As I"ll be paying him, I doubt he would make the files free.

What to echo the praise this is a fantastic idea, thank you! My only real question is what do you use to cut your curves?

Well, for the most part I use this , only the half circle that allows for easy opening is punched out by using this little beauty, borrowed from my wife's crafting table. I even hijacked her paper trimmer , which is great for scoring the fold lines in a breeze.

Are you finding your images with a quick Google search, or are you doing something more in-depth?

Yes, they are mainly google finds, even though a few are merged in photoshop. And each artwork gets the same filter and desaturation to create a distinct look.

I know with x-wing some people keep the blisters that the ships come in and it makes for more secure storage in the plano cases. Can the tuck box accommodate the blister for armada? I mean obviously with the starter you would have to separate the blister bits from each other. But for the future expansions, the ships should be in their own blisters already seperated. And that could give a consistent measurement.

If a ship could be set back in it's blister, then slid into the tuckbox, that would at alot more stability, and eliminate the need for "stabilizers" on items that leave a ton of room like the VSD.

Just a thought. I would like to see that for x-wing too, even though I threw all my blisters away, maybe I could start doing that with the new ships I buy heh.

This time around I"m not throwing any of my blisters away. As now that I think about it, this is a great idea. And if you don't do it, I might commission a friend locally to make some tuck boxes measured to the blisters as they come out. As I"ll be paying him, I doubt he would make the files free.


'Tis a thing of beauty :)


More praise for the designer! These things look great. I was thinking of un-sleeving my damage deck but not now. The damage deck box is an awesome and very functional design.

Excellent work!!!!

Now to find the right paper. I'm trying to get two core sets done in time for a new player intro game on 4/25.

Added - Looking forward to the Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave X boxes too.

Edited by VaultDweller

So sorry if this has been clarified, I scanned the thread for an answer but didn't see one. I'm not familiar with paper grading being mentioned here (200g). I have 110 or 125lb. stock is that at all equivalent to 200g stock?

200g is equivalent to 110lb "Index"

I use 110ib index for all my microhangers and tuck boxes and have had great success with it.

Working on my Wave 1 expansions at the moment and just finished making hangers for my two core sets. Going to dread having to make all the microhangers for 2 sets of wave 1 squadrons next week. Going to take pictures when it is done and it will be GLORIOUS!

200g is equivalent to 110lb "Index"

I use 110ib index for all my microhangers and tuck boxes and have had great success with it.

Working on my Wave 1 expansions at the moment and just finished making hangers for my two core sets. Going to dread having to make all the microhangers for 2 sets of wave 1 squadrons next week. Going to take pictures when it is done and it will be GLORIOUS!

Thanks for this clarification, never thought of that. I'd like to add this info to my website. Can I simply say something like "Print on 200gsm (110lb Index)"?

Just out of curiosity, what does "110lb index" stand for? And which countries prefer this measurement?

200g is equivalent to 110lb "Index"

I use 110ib index for all my microhangers and tuck boxes and have had great success with it.

Working on my Wave 1 expansions at the moment and just finished making hangers for my two core sets. Going to dread having to make all the microhangers for 2 sets of wave 1 squadrons next week. Going to take pictures when it is done and it will be GLORIOUS!

Thanks for this clarification, never thought of that. I'd like to add this info to my website. Can I simply say something like "Print on 200gsm (110lb Index)"?

Just out of curiosity, what does "110lb index" stand for? And which countries prefer this measurement?

The United States, and possibly Burma. A clarification can be found here:

Just out of curiosity, what does "110lb index" stand for? And which countries prefer this measurement?

The United States, and possibly Burma. A clarification can be found here:

Going to add that info. And thanks for the link, was searching for something like this for quite some time!

I double checked with all the fighters from wave 1, and they all fit just fine in the same size boxes as the core fighters. The B-Wings are pushing the limit and bump snugly into the lid when it's closed. Maybe an extra mm or two could be added to the height of that box to allow for a bit of error in the assembly process, but it isn't absolutely necessary.

Anyway, I look forward to the updated boxes for the rest of wave 1. In the meantime, I have plenty of work to do assembling the boxes for the ships that already have hangar templates.

As always, keep up the good work and thank you SirWillibald.

Print works fine

I temporarily stored my rebel fighters in some my X-Wing boxes and they all fit just fine (even the B-Wings). That should make your job a little easier SirWilibald :)

I temporarily stored my rebel fighters in some my X-Wing boxes and they all fit just fine (even the B-Wings). That should make your job a little easier SirWilibald :)

Indeed, thanks, now all I need are decent scans of the named pilot squadron cards artwork to do the named pilot boxes. German wave 1 seems to be delayed... :(

Ask and ye shall receive.


I scanned these at 600 dots per inch. They look ok at normal resolution, but the grain of the paper looks really bad when you zoom in. Hopefully they will suffice. I can do a higher resolution scan if that will help, but this image is already over 7 megs.

That's perfect, the grain is no problem since I only need a small part of the image and scale it down. Thanks a lot, I'll do my best to finish the squad hangars quickly!

You've had 8 minutes, are they done yet? :lol:

You've had 8 minutes, are they done yet? :lol:


Unfortunately we are awaiting guests at home for BBQ and my beloved wife thinks it's more important to clean up outside, buy some beef & bear, mow the lawn, .... Honestly, what is she thinking? Very sorry, you'll have to wait until everybody here has gone to bed.

Oh buddy. . . I am going to need many of everything (2 core sets and almost doubles of wave 1)

These are amazing by the way!

You've had 8 minutes, are they done yet? :lol:

You guys are really starting to get funny... :)

Unfortunately we are awaiting guests at home for BBQ and my beloved wife thinks it's more important to clean up outside, buy some beef & bear, mow the lawn, .... Honestly, what is she thinking? Very sorry, you'll have to wait until everybody here has gone to bed.

I think you've deserved a day off :P Enjoy your beers & burgers, I'm sure our ships will survive a few more days without boxes.

You've had 8 minutes, are they done yet? :lol:

You guys are really starting to get funny... :)

Unfortunately we are awaiting guests at home for BBQ and my beloved wife thinks it's more important to clean up outside, buy some beef & bear, mow the lawn, .... Honestly, what is she thinking? Very sorry, you'll have to wait until everybody here has gone to bed.

I think you've deserved a day off :P Enjoy your beers & burgers, I'm sure our ships will survive a few more days without boxes.

That's nice, especially since I'm having a hard time finding bears that want to join my BBQ...

Ha ha, I missed the 'bear' in your previous post. Thing is, was that a typo or not?

Edited by Ghost Dancer