Evade + Brace

By JJs Juggernaut, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

So I was playing my first game (solo) and I was taking shots at a Neb-B at long range. I had 2 red dice and rolled 2 hits, one on each die. Now at first I thought I could use the Brace defense token to halve the damage, and then use the Evade to cancel the 1 remaining die that was doing damage.

This seemed really overpowered to me, so I looked into the timing structure a bit more.

After rolling dice you are allowed to modify them, then the defender uses defense tokens, however totaling the damage doesn't happen until after this. So when I use the Brace I'm halving the damage to be calculated in the future.

So if I use the evade to cancel 1 die and then brace, when it comes to calculate damage there is one die with one damage left, which is then halved (rounded up) to 1.

I think this is the way it works, but I just wanted to see what the consensus is from everyone else? Thanks!

Edited by JJs Juggernaut

So Brace doesn't work they way you initially thought. When you move past the defense token step if you used Brace you'll half the totaled damage.

So the actual result of that attack would have been one Damage and you should not use both tokens. So you eventual conclusion is correct.

Edited by ScottieATF


EDIT: I are teh dumb; removed.

Edited by caelenvasius