Random Events (Tool) - ONLINE Generator

By MorbidDon, in Rogue Trader Gamemasters

Nice, I like it. And glad to help.

Today's Update...

A. Posted "Busy with Traffic" EVENT - as a starting point I generated some preliminary info for the EVENT but feel it could be better with some added 40k insight to help flavor this more for the Grim Dark ...


That's all for now!



This is a hard one, as it could only occur somewhere that had a reason to have traffic of any kind. Which limits it to Footfall, Port Wander, a few stops in the Maw, and maybe Damaris. Or if you're actually in the Calixis Sector for some reason.

I would mark the first 'decision point' as figuring out if the vox message is a forgery from the pirates or not. You could also randomize the types or number of ships involved. Are the pirates pretending to be Transports or System Defense? Is their targeted ship a charterist, free trader? Or maybe it is what it looks like, and system defense is catching contraband on a freighter? Perhaps the Inquisition or another Rogue Trader is involved?