DisneyVegaClone is a dude.

By TripsEX, in UFS Off Topic

Just admit it, we all know this. TigerBear1985 is pretty much just trying to cover his tracks with a new name because no one really likes him and he is sketchy on trades.

Archimedes is just covering for him because he feels bad.

I have heard other stories from reputable people about him. The facts don't lie.


all i gotta say in this matter is... WHO CARES and do we really have to bring this up again... last i looked you cant prove/dis-prove that she is a girl or it is just Tigerbear himself... so lets not start this again... yeah this is my peace keeper side coming out here so deal with it.


I got the proof right here:


Read the next 10 posts.

well I will try to bring her in but like I said she has ZERO interest in coming into a gmaing convention. But yea hope to see u there.

Thats funny that someone who has ZERO interest in coming to a gmaing convention in March of this year would somehow become a UFS pro by August of this year (when DisneyVegaClone's account was created). But no not even just a UFS pro but of all differant CCGs. Take a look here where heshe makes a comment about playing Magic and having a full " foil ravanger deck" you know a card from Darksteel, the Magic set that came out in 2004.


Not only that TigerBear claims she is his fiance back in March, but in August heshe claims heshe was just his "friend" that bought his collection from him:


But then back to being his fiance in October:


I win.

I could probably pick though a million more of herhis posts to prove that TigerBear is DVC. In fact look for the full article "DisneyVegaClone is TigerBear1985: And Archimedes Is Just Covering" by TripsEX and JDub soon.

JDub said:

In fact look for the full article "DisneyVegaClone is TigerBear1985: And Archimedes Is Just Covering" by TripsEX and JDub soon.

Too late, everyone's pretty much moved on.

Although I do love impending drama.

Yeah I know, but it's still funny.

JDub said:

Yeah I know, but it's still funny.

It'd be funnier if it was TB with an actual, IRL sex change.

What's wrong with DVC being a tranny. It sounds kind of hot.

1.2..3...Zebra said:

What's wrong with DVC being a tranny. It sounds kind of hot.

TB's a known homophobe?

Guys... really this is enough.

What good comes from this thread? Nothing.

The fact that you've chosen to fixate on this as some sort of forum meme is a testament to how utterly pathetic some of you are.

I just got this to say: Me+DVC+his/her girlfriend+playing Mardi Gras=fun and I have beads. OPh and say WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when you do it.

I just got this to say: Me+DVC+his/her girlfriend+playing Mardi Gras=fun and I have beads. Oh and say WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when you do it.

Archimedes said:

The fact that you've chosen to fixate on this as some sort of forum meme is a testament to how utterly pathetic some of you are.

Considering the state of the rest of the forum, I'd rather they fixate on this than anything else.

Archimedes said:

The fact that you've chosen to fixate on this as some sort of forum meme is a testament to how utterly pathetic some of you are.

No pathetic is pretending to be your girlfriend on a forum for a card game because you ripped people off and were so annoying no one liked you.

JDub said:

no one liked you.

And now for something completely different (Yet expected)

it's been a long time that we've been apart

Much too long for a man who needs love

I miss you since I've been away.
it wasn't easy to leave you alone

It's getting harder each time that I go

If I had the choice
I would stay.

There's no one like you
I can't wait for the nights with you

I imagine the things we'll do
I just wanna be loved by you.
No one like you - I can't wait for the nights with you

Just imagine the things we'll do

I just wanna be loved by you.

there are really no words strong enough
To describe all my longing for love

I don't want my feelings restrained.
I just need you like never before

Just imagine you'd come through this door

You'd take all my sorrow away.
There's no one like you

I can't wait for the nights with you
. . .

No one like you - I can't wait for the nights with you

I imagine the things we'll do
I just wanna be loved by you.
No one like you - I can't wait for the nights with you

Just imagine the things we'll do
I just wanna be loved by you.
There's no one like you!

Homme Chapeau said:

1.2..3...Zebra said:

What's wrong with DVC being a tranny. It sounds kind of hot.

TB's a known homophobe?

In that case, I do think I know who TigerBear is. =P

DisneyVega I have no clue about. But I was trying to confirm whether TB was who DVC said he was, and this works. Most of us at our store made jokes we probably shouldn't have, but "TigerBear" was one of only a few people to actively freak out when our gay player hugged him. =D

Speaking of that player, I miss him. He had this almost magical ability to get people who were being obnoxious to shut up, through sheer force of personality. You can imagine how great someone like that was to have around at a card shop. =P

Polygon said:

Speaking of that player, I miss him. He had this almost magical ability to get people who were being obnoxious to shut up, through sheer force of personality. You can imagine how great someone like that was to have around at a card shop. =P

Hells yeah. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm not gay, am not at all on your side of the country and I tend to make extremely bad taste jokes, I could be that guy ;p

Feel free to come on down; there's no shortage of irritating, loud people in this kind of venue.

Polygon said:

Feel free to come on down; there's no shortage of irritating, loud people in this kind of venue.

It's far.

Yea it's much easier to get around once you get the airship.

would explain why i still havent gotten my cards ......enough proof for me I guess

Polygon said:

Yea it's much easier to get around once you get the airship.

Man if I had an airship I would totally go to as much tournaments as I could, only to get my face smashed in because I suck at UFS. Or deckbuilding. Or playing. Or just plain suck (but I'm good at that I'm told).

JDub said:

Archimedes said:

The fact that you've chosen to fixate on this as some sort of forum meme is a testament to how utterly pathetic some of you are.

No pathetic is pretending to be your girlfriend on a forum for a card game because you ripped people off and were so annoying no one liked you.

Except they weren't?

DVC and Tigerbear are two completely separate people.

Archimedes said:

JDub said:

Archimedes said:

The fact that you've chosen to fixate on this as some sort of forum meme is a testament to how utterly pathetic some of you are.

No pathetic is pretending to be your girlfriend on a forum for a card game because you ripped people off and were so annoying no one liked you.

Except they weren't?

DVC and Tigerbear are two completely separate people.