Bounties to Die For

By mouthymerc, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Bounties to Die for was an article in Star Wars Gamer #6 . This is my take on those characters in the article and some fun with wanted posters. Stat blocks are from Oggdude's GM Tools.





Edited by mouthymerc

Devidia Vennsiol



Edited by mouthymerc

Stormtrooper X



Edited by mouthymerc

Drooto Sploonore

Seems to be the only one without a wookiepedia entry. Basically he is a crimelord with what he feels is an impenetrable fortress and will pay to find out. If you can get in and kill him and take his cape you get the bounty. Would make an interesting adventure.



Edited by mouthymerc

Vooz Nooxoo Una



Edited by mouthymerc

Subject 4D668493X



Edited by mouthymerc




Edited by mouthymerc

Traggissk Reosss



Edited by mouthymerc

Skawn Boduna



Edited by mouthymerc

Scranton Toon



Edited by mouthymerc

More stat blocks to come as I just started this today.

Bravo! Well done! Your efforts are appreciated! Thank you!

I GM another game, SLA Industries, kind of a cult classic from the UK and the early 90s. That game has hunter sheets in the same vein as these. They were always great for more condensed one-shot adventures with a good opportunity for PCs to profit. In short I loved running them for my group.

These are a natural fit for EotE and I'm super stoked to have resources for those sort of adventures again.

Thanks a ton!

The only one here that really confused me was the entry for Devidia Vennsiol. Then I read the Wookieepedia article, which clarified that the 5k credit bounty was for her dead or alive, and the much bigger bounty was for the return of the pistols.

But overall, these look great! Thanks!

Thank you. If they inspire or prove useful then my work is worth it.

Just updated Drooto Sploonore .

Updated Vooz Nooxoo Una to include his stat block.

Edited by mouthymerc

Updated Reerookachuk .

Those payouts seem "big".

Those payouts seem "big".

Agreed, but then I don't know what the going rate is in the SW universe.

That said, these look great, Merc - great job!

These are a great resource, absolutely, thank you again.

I think they just sound big because Han Solo's bounty from Jabba was AT LEAST 17,000c. I'm guessing, but sticking strictly to canon, that's what he accepted from Kenobi and commented that it would really save his neck.

And then the mighty Chewbacca was worth 50,000c (no less), but that deal was talked down to 35,000.

So I don't know, maybe they just look big because the most expensive (non-Hutt-only) armor in the game is 9,000c.

These were the original payouts from the article. All I did was adapt the characters to the new system. Anyone using them could easily adjust them for use in their game if you feel they are too high.


Hey when you've got some time, can you pretty please toss an XP build count from the generator for these guys?

I use the amount of XP in the build as a rough difficulty gauge to figure out if my PCs can handle it or not.

Edited by CrunchyDemon

Thanks so much!