
By gumOnShoe, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building


Bgg powergrid shutdown - Psycho Seven - leela proof
Agenda (10)
3x Efficiency Committee (Creation and Control)
3x Project Vitruvius (Cyber Exodus)
1x Project Wotan (Creation and Control)
Asset (3)
3x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves) •••
Operation (22)
3x Archived Memories (Core Set)
1x Commercialization (Cyber Exodus)
3x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
2x Interns (Mala Tempora)
1x Midseason Replacements (Future Proof) ••••
3x Power Shutdown (Mala Tempora) ••••• •
1x Psychographics (Core Set) •••
3x Reclamation Order (Double Time)
3x Restructure (Second Thoughts)
2x Shipment from SanSan (Second Thoughts) ••
Barrier (5)
3x Ice Wall (Core Set) •••
2x NEXT Silver (Upstalk)
Code Gate (6)
3x IQ (First Contact)
3x NEXT Bronze (Opening Moves)
Sentry (3)
3x Rototurret (Core Set)
22 influence spent (max 22)
21 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to First Contact
midseasons to keep opponent at at least five tags.
psycho an ice and commercialize it over and over for creds.
biotic jackson shutdown accel (interns, interns, psycho) .install and pop jackson. score efficiency committee. Gain three clicks going to four.
accelerate (interns, psycho, reclamation) another efficiency and retrieve all archived memories,
go to 8 clicks
archive wotan, archive psychographics, win
I think it may be possible through committee chains to weave in cyberdex to get around clot. Since this deck only installs an agenda at a time leela cant interrupt the win.
Really fragile looking. its going to take some polishing to get it there. Parts for other paths to seven have been included.
Deck made in honor of: [bGG Madness - Power Grid vs Netrunner]( https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/189063/official-2015-geek-madness-tournament-sweet-16-rd ). Go Vote for Netrunner for Best Game. Submit your own shutdown decks with this link. We're only 20 votes behind, your vote could make the difference. Just sign up and click the green thumb next to netrunner.