Threat below 0 (official answer)

By Crabble, in Rules questions & answers

Hi guys,

hope this post helps some players because as far as I can see there has never been given an official answer to the question weather you can bring your own thread below 0. For example in Shadow and Flames you could play Galadhrims Greeting in round 1 with a mono spirit deck and potentially reduce your threat to -6 but thats not the case. I ask this question and got this answer:

Hi Christian,
You cannot reduce your threat below 0. I’ll check around and see if it’s been addressed in the FAQ previously, and if not, I can make a note to put that in there.

Edited by Crabble

None of these threads contain official answers. Now we have an official ruling - this is progress.

@alagos I did not say that there has never been discussions about this topic. I created this threat only because I got an answer from Caleb which non of your example threats have ;)