Negative threat

By Calrissian2, in Rules questions & answers

I searched for this, but didn't find anything, so sorry if this has been posted before.

I was able to successfully complete Shadow & Flame tonight solo, but only by "ruling" that negative threat was permissible. With it, Gandalf kept the threat low enough to give the deck time to build the playing field until the Balrog engaged. I couldn't find anything in the rule book or errata on this, but assume it's been discussed with Shadow & Flame. Can anyone verify what the correct interpretation? Without this ruling, I'll definitely need to go back to the drawing board on my current deck! I just don't see any way to beat this one solo with my current setup.

Thanks for any help.

this was asked way back when the game first came out i think - the answer is no, you cannot have negative threat


Yes, this was discussed on this forum long time ago, and the general concensus was no: the lowest threat level is zero. A simple fact to support this interpretation is that the threat tracker cannot present negative numbers, the lowest number is zero.

Thanks. I figured that was the idea. Back to the drawing board on this deck. Definitely a tough solo assignment!