Welcome to the first all forums tournament.
This tournament's rules are
1) Consisit of a 2 round loss knock out.
2) Take Place on Sunday July 19th at 12pm Noon Eastern Standard Time.
3) If you are not present during your match you will forfeit the round.
4) the top 4 records will continue to single loss elimination for the championship.
Set 4 cards usage in the tournament right now is to be determined. If you have to use Chatzy that is fine however to avoid having to wait for available rooms to be up if you have an Instant Messager and are comfortable with disclosing it, please leave it with your official sign up post.
Thank You
Your Tournament Sponsor and Key To Destiny Cards Co-Owner
Joshua (Roxas/Umbreon)
Registered Keybearers
1) Roxas (AIM - zestybbqsauce09)