Bonuses from the dynasty creation system

By Decessor, in Rogue Trader House Rules

Some options in the dynasty creation system from Into the Storm give bonuses beyond PF and SP. Namely access to archaotech or xenotech components. But what about other options?

Say links with an organisation letting the dynasty begin with Peer (those guys), equipment, or an appropriate upgrade. Of course, such links go both ways and these allies will expect a few favours down the road.


Yeah. Good for back story. If they actually want Peer or Good Reputation out of it there's plenty of extra choices in the alternate Career Path options from the same book. That's how we run it, anyway.

Nothing wrong with that Decessor. As Errant Knight mentioned, some of those perks are in alternate Career Paths. A concern though, is that I haven't really paid any heed to exactly what differences the Into the Storm paths have when providing archaotech or xenotech components upon player/ship creation. Is it less SP or PF than other paths? Limited tree branches? Etc etc. I’m not sure, that is why I am asking.

An idea I did that I did with my players (In SR, DH, and other games) was that when they actually created a good back story, with written/typed information, I provided them certain bonuses that we both agreed upon. It was either starting equipment, a henchman/lackey, good contacts/informants, higher prestige, a better starting spacecraft (RIFTS), bonus to PF/SP (before ItS came out), etc etc. You could go this route too. Just food for thought.

Thanks for the responses. IIRC the two options in the warrant path that give access to technology are at the far sides. It cuts down on options a bit, but the overall total of PF and SP is unaffected.

I'll be using a houserule that worked well in my current campaign.

Before character generation everyone contact me with a list of three types of utility item that you think the dynasty's ship should have quantities of outside of the common quality gear. I'll review the ideas, and if I think they're reasonable you get to start with them. It worked well in my current campaign, gave the lads more starting options than "shoot and shoot often".

I like that idea, since it can help them to throw out ideas for things that might not necessarily in the book or people might not necissarily go for over say a new bolter or thirty.

"Heavy excavation equipment (backhoes and such) and a work crew" Great for an explorer willing to do a little digging to get at his treasure (or at least willing to wait around while others dig).

"A squad of off road autocarriages." Because not everything is visible or accessible from the air.

"A small accounting firm of skilled money managers." It's not all that sexy, and you probably all ready have some, but these guys are a cut above. They're especially good at auditing so you know who's skimming more than is acceptable.

"better quality void suits for the crew." Maybe footfall pattern, maybe just good quality normal suits. Probably a good idea all things considered.

"Deployable flat pack buildings." Like those in Stars of Inequity I think?) for all your military outpost/home away from home needs.

"Gravity tethers, for towing the occasional salvageable ship." Though this might be considered a full on component.

"10,000 servo skulls." Because they're good stealthy quick flying scouts, and with 10,000 of them you can even use them as a sort of bizarre terrifying vehicle for you and your cronies.

"Dirigible." Because why not?

That's the idea.