Getting Started in World of Warcraft: The Board Game Part 2: Turn Sequence

By Guest, in News

Last week we learned how to get the game set up. This week we learn how the turns go.

The Horde team goes first. Player order does not matter, as each player can move and act independently of each other.
Each turn the players may do two of the following actions:
Travel Action
Rest Action
Challenge Action
Training Action
Town Action
Travel Action
When traveling you may move up to two adjacent spaces. The thick black border lines may not be crossed. If you move into a space with a blue creature, your movement ends and you must challenge the creature.
In addition, start locations are faction specific. Alliance players may not enter Brill, and Horde player may never enter Southshore.
In addition there are spaces on the board with a winged icon on them. These are flight paths. You may use one of your movements to go from one flight path icon to another flight path icon. Note: Flight paths are faction specific — Alliance characters may not use Horde flight paths, Horde characters may not use Alliance flight paths.
Rest Action
When resting, you may recover any combination of energy and health. The amount you recover is equal to twice your level. For example level one characters would recover two points of energy or health, or one of each. You may not go above your maximum health or energy.
If in a friendly town (a town with your faction’s symbol) you may recover three times your level of points. You may also remove all Curse tokens.
Challenge Action
If you are in a space with a blue creature, you must make a challenge action as one of your two actions. The challenge action must be against blue creatures first, even if there are other targets available. If their are no blue creatures in your space, you may make a challenge against any creature group, any figures from the opposing team, or a boss creature in your space. A "creature group" is all creatures of the same type. A boss is either the Overlord or a spawned creature called a boss by a quest card. You may only challenge red or green creatures spawned by your quest cards. The opposing team's red or green creatures are off limits. If there is a friendly figure (one from your team) in your space, you may ask them to join your attack, if and only if they have an action to do so. There is no limit to the number of friendly figures you can invite, as long as they have an action to use.
Training Action
Training allows you to purchase cards from your class deck. To purchase cards, find the level required by the card. It is in the upper left hand corner of the card. You must be equal to or higher than the level indicated. Once you meet the level requirement, you must give the amount of gold indicated to the bank. Next look at the icon in the upper left hand corner. The starburst is an instant power. The eye is an active power. Active powers are always on and require you to spend the energy indicated on their card only when you buy them. Instant powers require you to spend the energy indicated each time you want to use their effects.
You may only equip a power if you have a place to put it. On your character sheet are 7 spaces for items and equipment. At the top of each are icons. You power must go in a spot with a matching icon (starburst or eye). If there is a power or item in a spot you wish to use, simply unequip the item or power, and place the new one there instead.
Town Action
You may only take town action if you are in a space with a friendly town icon. When taking a town action, you may do any or all of the following:
Regain health and energy tokens equal to your level (Yes, you may do this and rest in the same turn)
Sell and/or purchase any number of Item cards from the Merchant deck
Purchase one or more Power cards from your class deck
When buying an item from the Merchant Deck, simply put the amount of gold indicated on the item’s card in the bank. Then place the item on your bag token. Items may be purchased regardless of your level, however you may only use items equal to or below your level.
Each item has a type and trait. The type is an icon at the upper right corner. It can only be placed in an item spot with a matching icon. If you do not have the icon open, you may unequip the item presently there, and then equip the new item. The trait can be found in the middle of the card in italics. You must have either the trait listed or all in order to equip the item. For example, Brandon Lightstone has the option of equipping a sword or a mace in his weapon spot, and can equip any type of armor or talisman. He can not equip a bow or a wand. He has spots to equip three active powers and spots for up to five instant powers.
When selling an item to the Merchant Deck, place the card in the Merchant Deck and retrieve half of the item’s value in gold from the bank. This item is now available to all players, even those on the opposing team.
Next week, we find out how to battle!