We are playing an EotE centric game, however he wanted to go Force Sensitive. We decided to grab the FaD Beta to incorporate a larger range of Force powers and the Morality mechanic as I prefer a more fleshed out system than what the EotE book provides in regards to the Force.
Anyhow, my player didn't feel like any of the provided Strengths or Weaknesses fit his character very well. I encouraged him to come up with his own if he felt that way. I feel like he did a pretty good job. He wrote up the following:
Emotional Strength -Loyalty
This character shows a strong loyalty to those he believes to be close to him. This leads him to trusting them and go out of his way to do good by them. He can be a very good ally.
Emotional Weakness - Distrust
Trust is a fragile thing. If a crack forms in it, forever will the trust be broken. If this happens too many times this character can start to look for the cracks in every relationship he has. Too often he will find something to distrust that really never existed.
Thoughts? I don't have much experience with the Morality mechanic, but I feel like this will work perfectly fine.