Grim Reaper vs Werewolf

By WombatMan, in Talisman Rules Questions


I just have a question.

You are playing with The Reaper expansion and The Blood Moon expansion. You roll a 1 for your movement. You move 1 space and resolve all encounters, then you roll for both the Grim Reaper and the Werewolf. What happens when the Grim Reaper and Werewolf both land on the same player. Which one gets the chance to effect the player first?



Death then Wolfie.



Why would The Reaper get first preference over The Werewolf?



If you roll a "1," you first finish your turn, then choose whether to move the Reaper or Werewolf, move it, have the victim roll on the chart, move the other one, have the victim roll on the chart.

I don't think there's a rule that the Reaper comes first, but we all (ie on this board) seem to play that way!

I agree with Artaterxes. We play that way, sometimes just to mess with my group I reverse the selection everyone else uses. We recently decided to use the same die roll for both NPC's, to save time, there was talk that's the official way, not sure on that. I kind of liked rolling separately for both, but its no big deal.

If you roll a "1," you first finish your turn, then choose whether to move the Reaper or Werewolf, move it, have the victim roll on the chart, move the other one, have the victim roll on the chart.

I don't think there's a rule that the Reaper comes first, but we all (ie on this board) seem to play that way!

This is the applicable rule:

Simultaneous Effects

If two or more abilities or effects are triggered at the same time, the player who is currently taking his turn decides the order to resolve them in.

However, such a frequent simultaneous effect could be house-ruled as you do to speed up things! Reaper comes first because the Reaper Expansion is older than Blood Moon.


Why would The Reaper get first preference over The Werewolf?



No specific rule - just our preference and funnily enough for the same reason The_Warlock mentions here! Of course, you absolutely can choose each time if you wish, but it does make things easier if there is a uniform rule when you play.

However, such a frequent simultaneous effect could be house-ruled as you do to speed up things! Reaper comes first because the Reaper Expansion is older than Blood Moon.

Edited by adjogi

Simultaneous Effects

If two or more abilities or effects are triggered at the same time, the player who is currently taking his turn decides the order to resolve them in.

However, such a frequent simultaneous effect could be house-ruled as you do to speed up things! Reaper comes first because the Reaper Expansion is older than Blood Moon.

But when you roll for the Reaper/Werewolf, it is nobody's turn, is it ? I mean, your turn has already ended and the next turn has not yet begun.

Simultaneous Effects

If two or more abilities or effects are triggered at the same time, the player who is currently taking his turn decides the order to resolve them in.

However, such a frequent simultaneous effect could be house-ruled as you do to speed up things! Reaper comes first because the Reaper Expansion is older than Blood Moon.

But when you roll for the Reaper/Werewolf, it is nobody's turn, is it ? I mean, your turn has already ended and the next turn has not yet begun.

Who is rolling to move the Reaper and Werewolf? It's the player that has rolled a 1 for his character movement. His character's turn might have ended but he's still holding the action.

Rules are a bit vague, however I won't lose time arguing who's got to decide what NPC moves first. Who has to move them chooses, I don't see the point of doing anything else, except setting a predetermined order to save time.

Death does not move until a player rolls a “1” for his move. When this happens, the player must complete his turn as normal, but then must roll the die again and move the Grim Reaper according to the normal rules for moving a character, with the following exceptions:


If a player forgets to move the Grim Reaper and the next player starts his turn, there is no opportunity to backtrack. The chance has been missed and the Grim Reaper does not move.