Lawton OK League

By Coven, in UFS Organized Play

Any UFS players in the Lawton OK area RPG Arena does three weeks of league with a tournament at the end of the month. Our play group would welcome any new players to our group and would like more opponents.

Care to elaborate? We're about 3 hours away from your group (Dallas) and aren't afraid of venturing out for some UFSin. Maybe we can plan a meet-up sometime soon.

That would be great, I dont know how our playgroup would fair against other groups as there is a lack of play groups around. The other nearest group in state we are aware of being a four hour drive away from here (Tulsa) but we would deffinatley like to see some new opponents. We work UFS in 3 weeks of league every saturday then a tournament. I'm not sure if most people would more interested in playing another group in a tournament or something more casual where we can play, hang out and maybe even trade. We've been playing here without direct exposure to higher level competive play.

If people there are willing we might have to try to work something out, maybe find those guys in Tulsa for something.

Two words: Common Ground

That way, the playing field would be considerably leveled as commons are EVERYWHERE.

Last week we've just had our first foray into the wide world of Draft (Legacy), and it was well received. I didn't even have to bust out the starter decks to help with deck construction. Anyways, the way I had it set up is that everyone would buy 2 packs from the store and I'd provide 4 to each (leftover packs from previous sets laying around + Cutting Edge via Fight Night package). This generates revenue for the store, sells older sets, and gets Legacy cards into newer players' collections (plus they're rotated cards so players aren't as broken up at having to pass some cards up). Seeing as how many of the older sets sell for $20-30 online at various stores, it wasn't a big investment on my part for the sake of keeping the game fresh in the area. If we decide on this for our meet-up, I'm willing to bring a box of older stuff for the cause.

There is also Highlander, which evens out the field via increased luck (as there's only one copy of any given card). But I'm partial to Highlander, so I can't effectively comment on how well it'll go over with everyone else.

At any rate, let us know what's up. Seeing as how we're prepping for Worlds over here, we may want to wait till late August.

The group here is pretty open to the idea, we'll have to figure something out when both play groups get time.