Lightsaber colors ?

By JP_JP, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

I'm looking here for help on finding the source of something I heard somewhere...

I read somewhere that the color of the lightsaber was supposed to correspond to the mental aspect of the person who crafted it. I just don't remember where I read this and if this was supposed to be a Canon description. I know that, according to the games, the color of the Lightsaber depends on the gem you put in it. Unfortunately, all that becomes Legends and isn't canon anymore.


In the last episode of Star Wars Rebels, we discover that Ahsoka is still alive. In a recent interview with Dave Filoni, it is mentionned that Ahsoka will have White Lightsaber, unlike the green/yellow lightsabers she had before. I'm left wondering if it strenghtens the idea that the color reflects the mental state since Ahsoka isn't in the Jedi Order anymore... thus leaving the blue and green colors behind. White or light grey Lightsabers might be a more fitting color for an unaligned force user.

So ? what do you gusy think ? should Lightsaber colors reflect the nature of the person crafting it ???


A lightsaber crystal is colorless until first attuned and connected to a Jedi -- at which times it glows either blue or green, or in some rare instances, another shade. From that point on, it retains that hue.

Edited by Lathrop

Yeah, in game-terms the player gets to pick. In TV terms, the director just has the freedom to pick the color he thinks best suits the character. Considering Star Wars reliance on Archetypes and such the color of the saber being some kind of extension of the character is a pretty obvious visual tool for communicating things about that character.

Also worth pointing out: Rebels visual style is heavily influenced by the McQuarrie concept art, and much of that art had the lightsabers as white. So Ahsoka's color may have as much to do with referencing that visual style as communicating any noteworthy character element.



Thanks for the replies :)
I knew I hadn't hallucinated this.

Or do what your PCs want or what you liked about SW being force heavy but still was more a warrior due to the clone wars had a blue saber...a sentinel of sorts. While Luke was more diplomatic and tried to negotiate ...he was a consular and had a green LIGHTSABER. Sith crystals being red because they were synthetic crystals.

There are different sources and canons and you and your group should choose what they liked about lightsabers...the mystery of what the crystal reflected of or pick and choose.

This is surprisingly a sticky issue for some people, one of my fellow players got in an argument about it with my GM once.

As someone who just started running my own FaD game, post-Endor blank-slate, and doesn't like most of the established pre-Disney EU, I made it simple:

Primary Rainbow Spectrum, as referenced by wikipedia.


Possible acceptions: If you can say only 1 adjective before those, that doesn't make me roll my eyes, I may allow it.

White Blades acceptable, but only if you don't try to make it "a thing."

In Post-Endor, no color restrictions. Always thought it was lame how every badguy after the Prequels aired HAS to have a red blade. Leia had a red blade once upon a time, and it wasn't "a thing." It just "was." Exar Kun used a blue blade. All of Jerec's Dark Jedi had different colors. It was neat.

So ? what do you gusy think ? should Lightsaber colors reflect the nature of the person crafting it ???



I guess an addendum to my last post:

I think the new canon aspect that all saber crystals are Kaibur crystals, and those change color depending on the person attuning it, is not a bad idea. It solves a lot of headscratchers about the supposed rarity of crystal components, when some books made them out of random rocks. The new Heir to the Jedi book even shows how easily you can mess up a lightsaber if you align it incorrectly through the Force.

But I think it goes overboard to get all metaphoric about colors. When I was a kid, pre-Prequels, I thought red was cool. So I'd want a red lightsaber. I'd play perfectly good Jedi, but have a red blade. Cuz its cool. X-Wing lasers are red, but they aren't made out of pure hate (they are made out of pure awesome).

I applaud that people can basically have whatever color they want for their Kaibur crystal now, but it's a sword, not a mood ring.

Edited by Skywalken

I think I'll run a game where the Jedi are modeled on the Lantern Corps of DC. The colour of their sabers would denote which corp they belong to instead of rings.


Edited by mouthymerc

This is such an ambiguous area. Correlation has become causation has become correlation again. The idea of attuning a crystal over time is a nice way of mitigating all the contradictions. I think that I want to have my cake and eat it all at the same time. I want the lightsaber colour to stem from the type of crystal and way of construction, but I also want it to represent the wielder in some way. For all the problems it creates (what do you get if a non-Jedi builds and uses a lightsaber?), it's just too irresistible to read something into Luke switching from a blue to a green or Sith typically having a red lightsaber. There are definitely cannon hints of this. I will avoid spoilers as they're some of the best episodes and should be watched unspoilt but in the Season 5 sequence of TCW where Ahsoka is in trouble, there is a character who uses Asaj's red lightsabers. Anakin remarks that the person should have gotten rid of them but the person replies "I think they rather suit me". There's a definite connotation of the colour tying to the Dark Side.

Personally I like to keep it ambiguous because it is so much fun to speculate.

At about 3 Mins in Dave addresses Ahsoka. He comments on the color being more of her stance as Not Jedi, but no Evil.

A-wings in Rebels. So I'm guessing/hoping the "Spearhead" thing is now toilet water and the A-wing existing before Endor is canon.

My daughter is convinced her character's lightsabre will be pink.

Lightsaber color is such a personal choice and has no impact on the mechanical effects of the game that I tell my players their lightsabers can be whatever color they want. It's all in their head anyway, so I can't stop them from imagining it how they wish.

I have pointed out that Ilum crystals come in blue or green and synthetic crystals are on the red spectrum, but the latter can be "refined" to have more of a gold or purple hue. The only color I outright refuse to consider is black, and I tend to warn players away from silver but only because I want the Imperial Knights to be special little snowflakes.

Lightsaber color is such a personal choice and has no impact on the mechanical effects of the game that I tell my players their lightsabers can be whatever color they want. It's all in their head anyway, so I can't stop them from imagining it how they wish.

I have pointed out that Ilum crystals come in blue or green and synthetic crystals are on the red spectrum, but the latter can be "refined" to have more of a gold or purple hue. The only color I outright refuse to consider is black, and I tend to warn players away from silver but only because I want the Imperial Knights to be special little snowflakes.

There were those black blades that the ancient Mandalorians had. Pre Vizler had one in TCW. I don't think they were lightsabres. I'm not exactly sure what they were, tbh. But they were black.

Lightsaber color is such a personal choice and has no impact on the mechanical effects of the game that I tell my players their lightsabers can be whatever color they want. It's all in their head anyway, so I can't stop them from imagining it how they wish.

I have pointed out that Ilum crystals come in blue or green and synthetic crystals are on the red spectrum, but the latter can be "refined" to have more of a gold or purple hue. The only color I outright refuse to consider is black, and I tend to warn players away from silver but only because I want the Imperial Knights to be special little snowflakes.

There were those black blades that the ancient Mandalorians had. Pre Vizler had one in TCW. I don't think they were lightsabres. I'm not exactly sure what they were, tbh. But they were black.

The Darksaber is what you are thinking of. It was an ancient prototype lightsaber if I remember Correctly. Stolen when the Jedi Temple was Raided on Coruscant.

There were those black blades that the ancient Mandalorians had. Pre Vizler had one in TCW. I don't think they were lightsabres. I'm not exactly sure what they were, tbh. But they were black.

I'm aware that they exist, I just don't think it makes sense that a lightsaber crystal comes in "black." Black isn't a color, it's an absence of color. Now if they got their hands on a Sith alchemy blade (which might be what the Darksaber is?) that would probably be black.

Maybe the black blade is what happens if you put the crystal in the wrong way round, then?

(Sorry - can't quote you. The forum software seems broken for me).

What's wrong with black sabers?


Lightsaber color is such a personal choice and has no impact on the mechanical effects of the game that I tell my players their lightsabers can be whatever color they want. It's all in their head anyway, so I can't stop them from imagining it how they wish.

I have pointed out that Ilum crystals come in blue or green and synthetic crystals are on the red spectrum, but the latter can be "refined" to have more of a gold or purple hue. The only color I outright refuse to consider is black, and I tend to warn players away from silver but only because I want the Imperial Knights to be special little snowflakes.

Which when I talked to Sam Stewart at gamer nation con he said pretty much in response to a comment I said that was pretty similar to this. The final Force and destiny book will basically say the color has no mechanical effect. let the player choose the color for their blade.

So ? what do you gusy think ? should Lightsaber colors reflect the nature of the person crafting it ???

When I've run SW, the blade colors of NPCs are meaningful, though the meaning may not be obvious at first. Same goes for PCs who start the game with loaned/gifted sabers.

When PCs make their own sabers, they can be any reasonable color.

I think the pc's should be able to choose any color they want, but they should be aware that certain colors are assosciated with the dark side (Red and black) and if they come into contact with other jedi or people with knowledge of the Jedi, they might be mistaken for darkside users if they brandish those colors.

I would let the PC choose (if they are the first to attune the kyber crystal) and also suggest a color based on their highest Stats.

Brawn=RED, Agility=Orange, Intellect=Blue, Cunning=Yellow, Willpower=Green, Presence=Violet/Amethyst.

Hues and shades could be due to having equal highest stats at the time of attunement, like Agility 3 and Cunning 3= Amber.

This would fit the movies too. Anakin was a pretty great Mechanic so I assume he had a high Intellect. The cybernetics of his suit might have made that shift to Brawn by the time he was using a red one. Luke used Anakin's old lightsaber so he didn't attune it, but when he did make his own it was Green to show Willpower was his focus. Yoda had a high Willpower, and Obi-Wan was all about the Soresu.

Edited by Gigerstreak

It's whatever color the player wants, other than black. And the color is not necessarily directed by the primary focusing crystal.

I had a fairly long rambling conversation with the player who is playing a jedi force user in my AoR game about jedi politics in "My" version of the SW galaxy, part of what came from it is this: The Corscant/Republic Temple was the largest, oldest and most hidebound group of Jedi in the galaxy, though still nominally good they had a sense of self importance verging on arrogance and did things just because "that's the way they were always done",

In my game Illum crystals are no more effective at being lightsaber crystals than many other gemstones used in blaster and laser technology. A Corellian Durindfire crystal is identical on the effect level, but by Coruscant thinking it was inferior as it didn't follow "Tradition". There were a handful of other Academies spread around the galaxy before the rise f the Empire, and many of them used whatever crystals they had at hand as well.

The player should be free to choose the color of his lightsaber.

Of course chooing red might get you branded as beeing a Sith.*

My GM would have your roll a D10 to get some random color (He can be very old school like that)

Something you guys might hot have heard of: but Lucas originally planned for only two colors: Red for Sith and blue for jedi.

The only reason Luke get's a green one, is that a blue 'saber wouldn't show properly on screen during the fight scenes on Jabba's sail barge. So George changed it to green.

* would that work? You get attacked by Darth Emo and you reveal your red saber, would that confuse him?

Darth Emo: "Foolish jedi! Prepare to feel the power of the dark side!"

Robin-wan: *reveals red lightsaber* " Ha I'm a Sith lord, you fool! I'm Darth Graves..."

Darth Emo: "Euh, ok, errr..Nice to meet you?"

* would that work? You get attacked by Darth Emo and you reveal your red saber, would that confuse him?

Darth Emo: "Foolish jedi! Prepare to feel the power of the dark side!"

Robin-wan: *reveals red lightsaber* " Ha I'm a Sith lord, you fool! I'm Darth Graves..."

Darth Emo: "Euh, ok, errr..Nice to meet you?"

It would totally work. The one thing Sith are legendary for is getting along and not murdering each other to prove they are the most powerful.







;) :P :)