Starting Devotion

By Tamesh, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

I believe I already know the answer to this, but during character creation characters are given a good deal of abilities, talents, and skills as part of their race and archetype. Do these contribute to the tally when counting alignment to a particular god?

For instance, would a Sorcerer already have a couple of points down the Tzeentch track given that he starts with Psyniscience and Forbidden Lore, or are these free of any godly affiliation?

All Archetypes start as unaligned, and any advances granted as part of the Archetype do not count towards Alignment.

Typed in bold letters on p. 75 of BC Core. Not that you can't disregard this rule if you wish to give your players alignment earlier on...

When it comes to the advance archetypes that start aligned, the consensus is to start the player at 5-0-0-0 as a house rule.

I always had my players pick their starting alignment and then go from there. Of course I also allow Minor Gods, so hey.

Clarification: I mean they pick their alignment at chargen, instead of having to get aligned through xp purchases.

Edited by filliman

I could be wrong but I am making it like if you start with a alignment you need to get 5 more of a diffrent god to change. When I am thinking of it now there are no rule that says you cannot go back to unaligned again so it could be kind of bad rule its just how I done it

I always had my players pick their starting alignment and then go from there. Of course I also allow Minor Gods, so hey.

Clarification: I mean they pick their alignment at chargen, instead of having to get aligned through xp purchases.

We do it similarily. Alignment is a conscious choice and a pact between heretic and warp entity. It doesn't necessarily happen on chargen, though, and we give additional boni for chaos undivided, which requires a bit more than "unaligned" to get, as it's "aligned to all"; and gaining the approval of a bunch of rival gods ain't all too easy!

I always had my players pick their starting alignment and then go from there. Of course I also allow Minor Gods, so hey.

Clarification: I mean they pick their alignment at chargen, instead of having to get aligned through xp purchases.

We do it similarily. Alignment is a conscious choice and a pact between heretic and warp entity. It doesn't necessarily happen on chargen, though, and we give additional boni for chaos undivided, which requires a bit more than "unaligned" to get, as it's "aligned to all"; and gaining the approval of a bunch of rival gods ain't all too easy!

I agree! I have an Undivided Champion, I make him work good and hard to keep it going, it adds some fun depth as now he has to think about what they all would think about a given action. The other Champion worships "Tulu" and has oceanic decals all over his power armor and he wlmutters to himself all the **** time.