Role playing online

By Amroth, in Black Crusade

Hi guys,

I usually do all my role-playing in the flesh but am interested in looking to do some light role-playing online.

Does anyone have any sites they can recommend? I am mostly interested in a Black Crusade or Dark Heresy 2 campaign.

I've looked on the Roll20 but haven't had much luck finding games for either but that might just be my lack of skills on these interwebs.

Thanks in advance!

My BC group is switching to Roll20 right this weekend; people are currently uploading their characters and stuff. We play in German, though, and the campaign is just a "Plan B" placeholder for when the larger Dragon Age group fails to assemble, so just see this as a recommendation for the website rather than our group.

Before this, we just played using IRC (with a dice bot) and a wiki, which works splendidly, so keep this in mind as another option!

To actually find a group, I can only recommend either asking here in this very forum, or google for other 40k communities using keywords relevant to your intentions. Just using "Black Crusade online game" throws up a number of results already, for example, though I'd recommend filtering by time if you are looking for currently active games to join, rather than communities where people may be open to starting a new one from scratch.

Good luck!

Edited by Lynata

A really good alternative to Roll20 we do use is the freeware MapTools and player pools are gathered from an independent organized player community with their own dedicated TS3 (Imho the vastly superior VoIP alternative atm).

Problem though is that this is a german community too, so quite likely of no use for you unless you are fluent?

Thanks heaps guys, I figured it was my skills on why I couldn't find a game on D20.

I would ask on here but I do find a lot of the games tend to be very time intense where as I am looking for something light, I.E, just once a week or fortnight as I don't want to commit to something I won't have the time to keep up and be one of those annoying players that is unreliable and then just drops out half way through a game.

Unfortunately I don't speak a word of German, well maybe a swear word or two, but since I learned them from my brother they are probably so poorly pronounced as to be un-understandable, which is probably a good thing ^_^

The advice is really useful though and I will now go out armed with extra knowledge of what I'm looking for and how.