Vectored Vipers

By Silverhelm, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest - Rules Questions

Far as I can tell this card can be used with Death from Above (not that I would). To me this card has mobile from hand and the only thing that takes it away is damage. Thoughts.

Edited by Silverhelm

You should link images, if not the card text.

Abilities aren't active unless the card is in play, or the card says otherwise.

The spoiled text on this card is something like, "This unit gains Mobile while it is undamaged"?

As Kintaro says, card text is not active if the card is out of play. A card's text, effect or a game rule has to specifically reference an out-of-play area before a card can interact with the game while out-of-play. This rule is in the RRG, then entry for "In Play and Out of Play," I believe.

Since this card doesn't say it gets mobile while in your hand, it doesn't.

Yeah I believe so. Is there any chance the keyword was left out? Because It's hard to believe this can't have mobile it's not even that great and most eldar units like this do. Guess it still sticks to their theme. Thanks for answer though they probably did intend it that way.

Mobile in this game is a little weird lol there is a lot of speeder class type units in the 40k universe that aren't space worthy but yet in this game we have many that shouldn't be are (at least I'm assuming Vypers don't fly in space). I just figured eldar=mobile and I just deal with it even if it makes since. (Like Dozer,Valkry)

Edited by Silverhelm

There is zero chance the keyword was 'left out'. If it already had Mobile, then why on earth would the special ability be there?

Because it's so awesome they had to? Lol yeah I thought about that after I wrote it.