Lost Career Ability cards

By Ashgarth, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

As the tittle says, I've recently found a group to play WFRP so i dusted off my old box, only to find out that the small box that held all the career abilities from the expansions isn't there,

I've looked everywhere and finally decided to just buy the PDF versions since I now own a tablet but turns out that the PDF that are being sold do not include the cards, or anything besides the book itself,

Is there any way to find the abilities to make custom cards or something? I'm missing the Winds of Magic / Hero's call cards and there's no way i'm paying 100€ for the boxes again just because of the cards. :(

Have you tried contacting FFG? I hope existing customers have the option of re-ordering missing bits (cards, included). Their warehouses surely must have something in stock...