In the past, our tournament organization has been pretty casual. The highest turnout we've had is around 16 people, so everyone pretty much knows each other and there's never been any conflict. People just kind of show up, there's not really any official registration (I actually forgot to pay the 5$ the store was charging once...) or validation of people's squads before the first round. Tables aren't numbered, it's kind of a free-for-all each round as people work out who's going to play where and try to minimize movement.
Recently, we've been having more and more people show up, with one person driving over 2h to come in from out of town for the latest Store Championships and at least another person who has said they'll be doing the same at the next one.
Which brings me I'm acting as TO for a Store Championship this weekend where we're expecting 20 people and I want to make the organization a little more official. Which is why I'm wondering:
What are some things organizers have done at tournaments you've attended that you really appreciated?
Here's what I have planned at the moment:
- Have printed copies of the Rule Book, FAQ and Tournament Rules
- Have prepared rulings for the most common questions that are currently in need of a FAQ entry
Validate everyone's Squad List as they sign up
- Have printed Squad List Sheets for people who don't show up with one
- Or, if a printer is available on site, print out 2 copies of everyone's squad list, one "master" and one to hand to show your opponent
- Printed Tournament Score Sheets for everyone
- Pens
- Numbered tables with signs
- Full screen timer on the laptop, with shout outs after 20, 40, 50 and 55 minutes (60 min rounds)
- 2 assistant TOs, since I'll be participating
Latest Cryodex for managing scores and match-ups, with the X-Wing TO iPhone app to validate results
- Have both assistant TOs validate each round's results
- Print out current standings during the 30 to 45 min lunch break
- Play Star Wars music!
Anything else that can help the tournament run smoother and/or make it more enjoyable for everyone?
Edited by Klutz