Hey all, new poster to the forums here (been lurking now and again though) and new player/ZM to the EotW system (aren't we all?), BUT I'm also one of those multi-decade gamers who knows he would like to see just a bit more crunch in his zombie apocalypse system than what EotW provides vanilla, so I want to talk about it here with you folks who have more experience with the system.
If this doesn’t interest you (i.e. if you don’t see yourself providing input that is constructive towards crunching some crackling-numbery-goodness), then please kindly don’t involve yourself in this discussion. Crunch is something that I and my table enjoy and indeed expect, and if you don’t – that’s cool – just don’t waste your (and my) time to come in this thread saying that it’s unnecessary and what not – I know it’s not – but it IS fun (for us). So if your table is like mine, or you’re just curious about exploring the considerations that follow with a positive, open mind - then please give the following a read (I know it’s pretty long… sorry!) and stick around to have a chat.
A brief primer: I plan on running my EotW campaign in the Last of Us universe. Accordingly, I’m going to use Cordyceps /Infected/“Clicker” zombies – which I have yet to stat-up, and I want it to be a long term (pre, during and post-apocalypse), grand-in-scope campaign.
Also, worth noting; I plan on encouraging my players to play a more fictionalized or perhaps a prior version of themselves. I will not incorporate the most immediate of loved-ones from their real/present life like their wives, husbands or children (or pets) into the game - they simply won’t exist in my campaign universe – as I anticipate it would (and several anecdotes I've read from actual sessions/ZMs support that it does) just distract from what I would prefer the game to be about – dynamic survival choices and dynamic story progression.
Towards that (long-term, grand-scale) campaign goal, I really just want to add some more meat and structure to what is a very bare-bones rule-set. I’m not trying to introduce any new dice mechanics – indeed, most of what I’ve done so far is just come up with some pre-defined rules, rolls and guidance for standard survival-scenario considerations that I feel the base setting neglected. I’ve also created and re-engineered various bits of gear, including weapons, and am working on … improving … the Features system in regards to mechanical progression.
Most (or really, all) of this could be used independent of a Last of Us -styled campaign, of course, so please think/talk about this stuff (and use it, if you want) in the context of your own game!
Things I have developed so far:
- Starting Gear purchase point system – I didn’t like the “whatever you have on you” thing for a number of reasons… I'm pretty excited about the potential of what I’ve developed.
- Capacity/Encumbrance system – I want the choices a player makes regarding their carried gear to be a defined and important commodity, and something with a mechanical progression too.
- Starvation/Sleep system – I see this as a tool to spur the players into action, rather than to just make them micro-manage their hunger and thirst - but I'm kind of on the fence about it…
- Survival Check mechanic – A single roll the players can make covering an entire day – perhaps used for downtime, traveling or while waiting to heal Traumas, etc.
- Refined/Expanded Weapons – I found weapons, especially firearms, to be poorly balanced and inconsistent in their own implementation as a reflection of actual firearm properties.
- Refined/Expanded Gear – To accommodate my Encumbrance and Starvation systems, but also to broaden options across various play-styles, and for a distinct Gear progression.
Things I am working on/want to develop:
- A more robust Features System for a more defined player progression mechanic.
- Unique Features and Stats for Runner, Stalker, Clicker and Bloater infected/zombies.
- … who knows I'm sure there's some other things that will come along…
I don't think anything I've done so far (or even intend to do) is that drastic, as I said it’s mostly just developing structure and guidance in advance for rolls/issues that I anticipate coming up or wanting/needing to do. And I wouldn’t use any of this if everyone at my table weren’t experienced gamers who I know can not only handle these types of additions, but want them.
I will detail the individual rule-sets in following posts.
Edited by emsquaredPDF file linked